i want to make pretty much this:
normal damage - armor = damage taken
maybe by making it so that when an arrow hits a certain family(of enemies) it checks for its armor value(of an specific enemy not the family becouse i want the widest range of diferent values for armor possible) and subtract by it.
right now i can only make this mechanic by creating one event for each interaction of arrow with enemy which leaves me unable to make easy balance changes becouse if i want to change how much damage the arrow deals i'll have to change it on a sh*t ton of events.
Don't use
normal damage - armor = damage taken
Because it's a bad practice, what happens when the armor is bigger than damage? it retuns to add more hp of enemy.
It needs to add some conditions to prevent adding extra HP. I don't remember which is formula... Let me see I can do it, it would return 1 damage if armor is more than damage.