The star effect didn't present in layout called "Spotlight" you made, so I made this screenshot for no reason since I opened .capx, then I choose another layout is called "NormalMap_layout"
There no much difference in my .capx , but only one thing is <blend-backgrounds> is true as you can make real effect preview in editor.
There is a design problem:
If Light sources are counted as:
Light2 = 1
Light3 = 1
They work fine, everything is fine, todo esta bien
Light2 = 1
Light3 = 0
It becomes black.
Another otherwise,
Light2 = 0
Light3 = 1
It becomes black, too.
Im not reporting an error, it's just design. What's the point to use as parameters ----Light2 and ----Light3, if is 0, it always become black