eli0s Is a shader with their parameters like any other. On a Sprite you add the effect "MyShader" and you have various parameters to edit. This is exacly the same.
In this case, after see how customizable is i made a personal editor to play with their values in real time. So if you find some cool you will do "Get code" and this will give you something like this:
4|2|3|1.25|0.25|1.5|0.75|1.2|1.2|-1.2|1.6|0.25|1.25|16|0.5|0.5|1.5|1.5|1|1|3|6|1.5|4|0 (This is the Torch Fire shader code)
This numbers are the parameters of the Shader effect in order, from the Parameter 0 to the last one with a "|" separator. So you can simply pass this numbers 1by1 to the efect parameters of the sprite to get the effect you found in the editor or you can create a "For each" event that pass this variables automatically for you at the start of layout .
And more!! Also i created a "shared code link" so if you found something cool you can paste the link here and when we press we go to a page with the editor loading your shader code automatically, and with that the people can share his creations in the forums and if somebody like one use it in their game! .
New feature added this morning:
Because i hate let pressed the Randomize button and pass an effect that was good XD.