Nevesbr's Recent Forum Activity

  • What is your movement system? Pathfinder?

    Because a quick reaction would be to continue using 8 directions via the set and get bit method.

  • I made a game where peers can move objects... I used it as you thought... Send X and y and id.

    Using tokenat you can handle this.

  • Now if what you want is to tell the host what "your local UID" is, even if other objects other than the host are created, just send a message with the UID in string form.

  • Hello, explain your needs better...

    Do you want to know the UID of a peer?

    If so, just create a variable for example "UID_PEER"

    and on the host screen you put the peer's uid in this variable...

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  • Firstly, we know that treating shots in the C3 is proving to be a challenge and I deeply believe that there is a way to get around this problem below... I have some ideas but I haven't been able to re-sign the C3 yet.

    I think that with detection rays and letting the bullets be local solves this... However, some players can see the bullet catching while others won't... Generating the assumption of using a hack.

    I'm sure I'll overcome this challenge... But I still can't think of a way...

  • Guys, I face problems when the host blurs the game window... Peers lose access...

    I had to for a while to detect the afk host to then give victory to the peer... Like an end to game time... Loco this works if it's a 2vs2 game but if it's something like realtime shooter it's still a problem...

    Even with the box checked "Continue running in the background" the host does not play the role of transmission.

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  • Hello, now i show my Rts Multiplayer template in development...

    The mechanics are functional.

  • ver


    "propertie ID" now is sync to host and various bugs has been fixed.

  • Updating post with link to game.

  • I think I managed to solve it and I share the tip here for anyone looking for the same thing.

    We know that peerid always changes in each connection, so I created a synchronized numeric variable and asked the player for a password that will be the identification of that object.

    Then we have:

    Player > peerid = c4g8

    Owner= 9876

    So everything that belongs to the peer will be named with this password "9876"...

    On the client side, it is now easier when he connects everything that has this password to the map and copies his peerid. He now has possession of the objects.

    My game in progress. Multiplayer online strategy game.

  • This is my last project working on.

    It's under development so a lot will change but the game already works:

    When you enter the map you get a HAB in a random location, from there you can place divisions on the battlefield.

    These divisions can be moved with taps.

    Infantries can attack and take resource and manufacturing points.

    Once you control at least one factory, you are able to manufacture armored vehicles, which can then be placed in the field.

    Resources have to be earned and collected.

    Divisions enter combat if an enemy is within range.

    All multiplayer. Soon the system will host a match like any other but soon it will be based on a 24-hour server with maps for more players and even leaving and returning to the map without losing progress.

    Well, I've explored the multiplayer potential in depth and I'm pretty excited.

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Member since 7 May, 2011

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