Nevesbr's Recent Forum Activity

  • hello, I tried the standard procedure, even already uninstalled the contruct but this plugin does not come out. The folder is not "PLUGINS"; (

  • Very Well Tk )

  • left mouse button should create a new perfect marionette set.

  • hello, I would like the ragdoll create the correct way at the beginning of the layout ... But he does not seem to fit as it should. can you help me?

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  • Improvement of multiplayer object.

    I make a request to developers to facilitate more multiplayer object,

    I actually already tried many times and I can not make any multiplayer game ...

    Consider facilitate more the object. Actions that could have already come ready.

    For example...

    I insert a Sprite object, and in the event I get ...

    Multiplayer Object> Condition: Is Multiplayer> Action: Set multiplayer object (Sprite).

    And this time the players would see the Sprite already moving.

    If the sprite then shoots:

    Set Multiplayer object (bullet).

    Something of this kind. Please...

    It's really hard to have not seen successful multiplayer games in the construct.

    I know I will receive my order and if possible will fo something about it.

    Thank you for everything until now Ashley, and scirra in general ...


    MELHORAMENTO do objeto multiplayer.

    Faço um pedido aos desenvolvedores, para facilitar mais o objeto multiplayer,

    Eu realmente ja tentei muitas vezes e não consigo fazer nenhum jogo multijogador...

    Considerem facilitar mais o objeto. Tem ações que ja poderiam vim prontas.

    Por exemplo...

    Eu inserir um objeto Sprite, e nos eventos eu obter...

    Multiplayer Object > Condição: Is Multiplayer > Action: Set Multiplayer object (Sprite).

    E neste momento os jogadores ja veriam o Sprite se movendo.

    Se o sprite atira então:

    Set Multiplayer object (bullet).

    Algo deste tipo. Por favor...

    Está realmente dificil não tenho visto jogos multijogadores bem sucedido no construct.

    Sei que receberão meu pedido e que se fo possivel farão alguma coisa sobre isso.

    Obrigado por tudo até agora Ashley, e scirra em geral...

  • Have you tried following the multiplayer tutorials step by step to get a clear understanding of how the multiplayer object works?

    After that if you have a question about how a specific part of multiplayer does or doesn't work, ask again.

    Some things about your capx - for starters you don't have a button placed for you to run the event to connect to the signalling server. Your max peers is set to 0 so no one else can join your game after your host connects.

    I'll check this out ... Thanks. already followed all the tutorial and did not understand.

  • Sorry to open a topic but I tried to find a way to understand how to create multiplayer but I can not. Could assess my game and speak my wrong?

    In practice it should take a jeep and a tower to each player and create a deathmath. ... .capx?dl=0

  • <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

    Any idea for make the sprite force sig rails?

    i try various method, but no sucess.

    That's what I did best. ... index.html

  • My games that were in Scirra Arcade are no longer working. It gives the error of lack of directory when I enter the profile.

    How i resolve this ?

  • What do I get if I buy this?

    Do i get the capx file? Anything else?

    Let me know and I might buy. I will use my own graphics.

    Hello sorry for the delay,

    Yes you are buying programming, to edit the values and adapt to your game. The graphics are exemplary only, does not include the right to reproduce or sell.

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