Colonel Justice's Recent Forum Activity

  • Piece of advice: Pass the object in concern's UID through the function as a parameter.

    This will allow you to always pick the correct object, no matter the family, conditions, etc.


    Family "hittables"


    Player Sprite

    Enemy Sprite


    On bullet collides with "hittables" -->

    Call function "bullet hits something"

    Pass parameters: bullet.damage, hittables.uid

    On function "bullet hits something" -->


    Pick "hittables" by UID function parameter (1) (or function "bullet hits something" parameter hittables.uid") -->

    Substract parameter bullet.damage from

    Destroy bullet

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  • No, NW.js does not mean WebGL 2 is always supported. The support is the same as in the browser.

    Why do you want to change the sampling mode, anyway? Normally a game's artwork style is suited to one or the other, and it seems unusual to offer both. Either it will look too blurry or too pixellated in one of the modes. There is no performance impact either way.

    Because reasons ->

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    True that per se the sampling method has no (noticeable) impact on perfomance. However, as I might offer different raycasting resolutions (meaning rays cast in function of X resolution), I also might want to change the quality level at some point, as well as the sampling. This is somewhat indifferent to the art style at that point.

    Sorry, I failed to specify that I use Chrome for C3 so I was under the impression / hope that the Chromium feature set is the same or similar and offers this.

  • In my current project I want to offer certain video options to the player, changing the resolution, hi/low quality etc. The only thing missing is the sampling method. Since it will be subject to nw.js export, my uneducated guess would be that changing the sampling rate will always work there (as it already works in the editor)?

  • Hi,

    is there any known way to change the sampling mode at runtime, e.g. from trilinear to point?


  • Change the mode to "Exclusive" on the Set collision filter action and specify the tags (of the enemies) that should be ignored.

  • How did you resolve it technically? I need to test & sort multiple overlapping objects by an arbitrary value ( Z depth ), so using e.g. Y as reference wouldn't work for me.

  • Yeah, I was just getting the hang of offsetting tiled BGs for the raycast engine which basically allows float texture scrolling (instead of slicing the texture to 1px frame and storing it in sprites), later realizing I might have a problem with the z sorting.

    Another workaround would be making the billboard sprites also tiled BGs. But then we'd have a tedious workflow when it animating them.

    Guess it'll be sprites only then.

  • Let's say I have two object types, Sprite & Tiled Background, which I want to z-sort using the system's order by z action. Since we can't have two different object types in the same family, how would I do that?

    I already tried putting a helper sprite & tiled BG in a container and do it like order by Z family-wise, then set tiled BG behind helper sprite, but this is a real performance killer.

    Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


  • Just wanted to point out and advertise, Eren Ertugrul has ported the trace & other essential plugins.

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Colonel Justice

Member since 16 Mar, 2011

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