Greetings Construct 2 crowd!
I´m not a coder so please bear with me if I dont think
like one! I try to solve my problems by thinking simply
logical and then get this logic done with the tools I have
at my fingertips in construct.
Ok here´s what I´m at.
I want to create a dynamic camera zoom and a dynamic
timescale so that I can create effects like seen on Peggle
when the ball gets near the last brick. And so far everything
is working nearly perfect. My solution for now:
Setting up 4 globals
1: DynaZOOM
2: DynaZOOM_rate
3: DynaTIME
4: DynaTIME_rate
For the timescale this is very easy to do with just one
EVENT: System - Every tick
ACTION: System - Set time scale to lerp(timescale, DynaTIME, DynaTIME_rate)
With it I can control the timescale with just 2 values. DynaTIME to set
the timescale and DynaTIME_rate to set the interpolation or "easing"
to get a smooth effect.
No for the zoom it gets a little more complicated. First I tryed it with layout scale
but that simply scales all layers. But I want my GUI and HUD layers to stay
at 100% size so that only the level gets modified in size.
Now I´m going with layer scale. It´s working like a charm but I have 2 ways
of doing it and my question ist: Am I bogging down performance with my
loop solution?
I have 8 layers where all the action takes place. Maybe I will need more
so the zooming has to be flexible.
Solution 1:
EVENT: System - Every tick
ACTION: System - Set layer 1 scale to lerp(LayerScale(1), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)
Set layer 2 scale to lerp(LayerScale(2), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)
Set layer 3 scale to lerp(LayerScale(3), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)
Set layer 8 scale to lerp(LayerScale(8), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)
Solution 2:
EVENT: System - Every tick
System - For "" from 1 to 8
ACTION: System - Set layer loopindex scale to lerp(LayerScale(loopindex), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)
Both solutions work but I prefer solution 2. If I need more layers I just
have to change one number in this loop. My first question is:
Do I get a performance drop if I use the loop solution or is it basicly the same?
And now my second one. I´m very satisfied with DynaZOOM and DynaTIME but
if my player sprinte is in one corner of the layout, the scrollto function fails.
I can walk out of the window and the camera is not following my character.
I think because the scaling is centered. Is there any way to manually push my
scrollto to the player sprite when zoomed in?