Soulsliver's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi amfest,

    sorry but I never thought that somebody would reply since I had this question

    a long time ago and then there also was no answer to my problem.

    I solved this particular case with just scaling the layout and not the layer.

    For this project the case is closed for me. For my actual game this is still a problem.

    My answer for now is to create a border around the level that shows the level architecture

    fading out to black. But maybe I will find a better solution on my own.

    If so I will post it here.

    Thank you for the reply anyway! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">



  • Greetings Community,

    This problem really drags me into insanity!

    I want to do a simple map that you can scroll/zoom to

    explore and click interesting points on a list so that

    the map scrolls to this coordinate and shows some info.

    All this is a piece of cake but I can´t get around the

    problem of showing a border when zooming out.

    Here is the stripped project (only zoom and scroll)

    Sorry for the size but the map is somewhat big.

    And here the script:

    Zoom in with the mousewheel up then drag the map

    to the bottom right so that you get to the upper left corner

    of the map.

    Now if you zoom out with mousewheel down the space outside

    the layer gets visible. Thats my problem.

    As soon as you click left mousebutton to drag the map the

    scrolling snaps the view back to bounds and the border

    is not longer visible.

    Is there ANY workaround to this?



  • Hi Benydc,

    you can get the angle of an object via the expression panel.


    Event: Every Tick

    Action: Set global variable to...

    Then a dialog pops open where you can set the value. Plus the expression

    panel opens up. If you click into the value field you can select the object from

    the expressions panel. The first expression in this list is "Angle" (Get the

    object´s current angle, in degrees).

    Hope that helps.



  • Oh crap...

    Thank you Benydc. That was a stupid mistake by myself.

    I create my levels with tiled backgrounds (for filling/blocking out

    the base) and single sprites for details like walkway ends,

    broken edges and all that stuff. Since I´m doing just a testlevel

    for movement development I did it with just the tiled backgrounds

    and not one single sprite. Bugger...

    Sometimes you just loose concentration when working with

    all those events and actions.

    Thanks again and keep up the good work!



  • Greetings crowd!

    Strange thing... I searched good ol google and this

    forum but was not able to find an answer. I have 2

    Families. 1 with tiled objects and 1 with single sprite

    objects. I can add the behaviour physics to both

    families. But I can only access the properties for the

    physics behaviour when I click the tiled objects family.

    Clicking the sprite objects family no Properties are shown

    on the left side inside the properties panel.

    What am I doing wrong?



  • Well I found the Layout option "Unbounded scrolling" and that

    keeps the game window centered to the character sprite when

    zoomed in. But zoomed at 100% I can see outside the game area

    which is the meaning of "Unbounded scrolling" so that is not what

    I´m looking for. Well maybe I will keep this problem for later...

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  • Greetings Construct 2 crowd!

    I´m not a coder so please bear with me if I dont think

    like one! I try to solve my problems by thinking simply

    logical and then get this logic done with the tools I have

    at my fingertips in construct.

    Ok here´s what I´m at.

    I want to create a dynamic camera zoom and a dynamic

    timescale so that I can create effects like seen on Peggle

    when the ball gets near the last brick. And so far everything

    is working nearly perfect. My solution for now:

    Setting up 4 globals

    1: DynaZOOM

    2: DynaZOOM_rate

    3: DynaTIME

    4: DynaTIME_rate

    For the timescale this is very easy to do with just one


    EVENT: System - Every tick

    ACTION: System - Set time scale to lerp(timescale, DynaTIME, DynaTIME_rate)

    With it I can control the timescale with just 2 values. DynaTIME to set

    the timescale and DynaTIME_rate to set the interpolation or "easing"

    to get a smooth effect.

    No for the zoom it gets a little more complicated. First I tryed it with layout scale

    but that simply scales all layers. But I want my GUI and HUD layers to stay

    at 100% size so that only the level gets modified in size.

    Now I´m going with layer scale. It´s working like a charm but I have 2 ways

    of doing it and my question ist: Am I bogging down performance with my

    loop solution?

    I have 8 layers where all the action takes place. Maybe I will need more

    so the zooming has to be flexible.

    Solution 1:

    EVENT: System - Every tick

    ACTION: System - Set layer 1 scale to lerp(LayerScale(1), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)

    Set layer 2 scale to lerp(LayerScale(2), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)

    Set layer 3 scale to lerp(LayerScale(3), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)


    Set layer 8 scale to lerp(LayerScale(8), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)

    Solution 2:

    EVENT: System - Every tick

    System - For "" from 1 to 8

    ACTION: System - Set layer loopindex scale to lerp(LayerScale(loopindex), DynaZOOM, DynaZOOM_rate)

    Both solutions work but I prefer solution 2. If I need more layers I just

    have to change one number in this loop. My first question is:

    Do I get a performance drop if I use the loop solution or is it basicly the same?

    And now my second one. I´m very satisfied with DynaZOOM and DynaTIME but

    if my player sprinte is in one corner of the layout, the scrollto function fails.

    I can walk out of the window and the camera is not following my character.

    I think because the scaling is centered. Is there any way to manually push my

    scrollto to the player sprite when zoomed in?



  • It�s weekend and I�m drunk. Not often but when this

    time comes my development cycle get�s a serious boost.

    Especially in the musics department... ;)

    "especially"??? LOL I suck at english but hey...

    The main thing is to life and be a good person right?

    Answer will follow soon.. Posting posts in a forum

    while drunk is dangereous... Ya know?!?!?

    LOOOL. Damnnnn. I feel like...

    No stop!!

    No more. I had tis before. No comment...

    Over and out...

    Better for all of us...

    A lovely weekend for all of you.

    Life in peace, be good people and keep

    brutality inside games!!!



    PS: I think I will regret this,..

  • OR:

    If you just paint toilets on the wall just add an "out of order" sign so you dont have to create interaction...

  • Hey folks,

    and this is an example how to NOT start a game!!! ;)

    I�m working on my first Construct 2 game after dealing

    with projects on Unity, UDK and Multimedia Fusion (long time).

    This is the first "test" to learn the nuts and bolts of C2

    before I start dev on a project I did long ago for MMF 2.

    I just wanted to create a simple titlescreen so I can start

    with the basic gameplay prototyping. But I am an artist and

    a lot of us just get carried away...

    Damn! Now I have a nice mainmenu and not a single line of

    gameplay code... :) :) :)


    Well let�s hope I can give you guys some progress soon.



  • I know. If it was that easy flash would be an integrated part of dreamweaver. Boy what a UI nightmare...

    But. It was a nice daydream though! :)

  • Hello C2 community and Dev team,

    it might sound a little of the track but is there in any

    way some thinking about expanding Construct 2 into a web

    development tool. I though it would be great to create my

    web projects inside an IDE with the power of a great HTML5

    creator like C2 at hand. Now some web project management,

    css editing and php wizardry and we have a product that

    should get attention from Adobe and other tool developers

    out there.

    Just an idea. If C2 had that IDE I would trash my dreamweaver

    topstyle ect.

    Maybe just a daydream. But it was a good one!

    Thanks for this great product and keep up the good work!



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