Soulsliver's Recent Forum Activity

  • thanks alastair! that did the trick.

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  • Damn! And I thought I had it!

    A Mousestroke over the grass makes it sway harder like some sort

    of collision. The idea was a basic sine period of 10000. If the mouse hits

    set sine period to 1000. That did the trick.


    IF Sprite[Sine].Period Lower than 10000

    --> Sprite[Sine].Period+100

    Idea was to smoothly set the period back to 10000 but sure. From what specific Sprite?


  • Hey Constructors,

    I don?t know if I?m posting crap now that nobody want?s since I?m a very old fart in life but young and new to construct. I?m doing a little free game for a client to promote her website.

    I was inspired by good old Bubble Ghost. This is a stripped down cap of the base game mechanic.

    Move your cursor with the mouse. Its permanently looking towards the bubble (called EGO in my game). Press and hold left Mousebutton to blow fresh air to keep EGO away from the not included obstacles (still working on all that basic mechanic stuff).

    In my game this blowing is the basic tool to move EGO. Later you get more "forms" to activate switches, do physical puzzles ect.

    Maybe someone likes the idea to create his/her own bubbler.



  • Ok then here we go...

    <img src="">

    This was shot before I went to Razer to tell them that my

    expensive Lycosa keyboard had worn off keys after just

    2 months of use.

    <img src="">

    I startet my career as a crooner writing songs about tragic

    failed love affairs between me and my minced pet pork.

    I never was able to sell one bloody record.

    <img src="">

    I also became a rising G-Rapper here in germany but never

    found any homies following my idea of being "gangster".

    <img src="">

    Today I�m just being myself and try get the best out of

    my life.



  • Same as Deadeye�s story. I once lived in my little castle thinking that XP was the only reliable

    solution. Vista was just some kind of betatest

    I�m a freelancer and since I had to include sculpting high resolution meshes into my pipeline

    to keep up with the tech switching to 64bit was a must. And using just 4GB out of my 32GB was

    NOT an option!

    Win7 64 is just rocksolid and with a little customisation magic this is my new castle.

    It�s bigger it�s better and has a lot more knights to fend of those big nasty meshmonsters.

    What I cant let go is my organized classic start menu I just use the classic startmenu app for win7.

    To quote the grandfather of soul: "I feel good..."



  • Hey Arima,

    you�re a lifesaver you know?

    Thank you! Page is bookmarked. I�m sorry for a question like

    that. I�ve come very far in my progress without a single question

    here and... expressions. Next time I will double check the Wiki.

    Sorry again to pump another stupid question into the forum.



  • Greetings Constructors,

    just a short question because I did not found a heads on answer via help.

    I want to create smooth transitions (fade in/out) of menuboxes and dialogs with the

    layer opacity. Is there an event to get the opacity of a given layer?


    IF layer.Exit Dialog.opacity < 100

    SET layer.Exit Dialog.opacity to get.Exit Dialog.opacity+1

    The only event option in layers I have is "is layer visible".



  • Hey newt,

    thanks for your reply. I knew that my attempt would fail badly

    idea is more of a layout "inside" a layout.

    For now I wil drop the term "container" and cal it "mymagicobjectwithitsownlayerandeventshet" for short "mmowiolaes".

    Ok, I create a new Game. Then on my normal layout I create a mmowiolaes. Now I can rightclick this mmowiolaes and select edit. A new layout pops up. It?s the layout of this mmowiolaes object. Has now boundaries just a center cordinate 0,0. Inside I can work like in a normal layout. Create sprites, events, particle systems ect.

    I create 3 diffenret particle systems. Each with a spawn rate of 0.

    Inside the object options (tab on the left) of particle system I can check a box under "rate" marked EV with a single textfield. EV means expose variable. I?ll type "Particles1.rate".

    I close this mmowiolaes. This object is now inside my global library and I can drag it into every layout I?m working on.

    In my layout of choice I drag an instance of this mmowiolaes onto the canvas/layout. From here on I can alter the rate of the particle system inside this mmowiolaes via the exposed variable:

    + Collision between objecta and objectb

    • set mmowiolaes.x to objectb.x
    • set mmowiolaes.y to objectb.y
    • set nameofmmowiolaes.Particles1.rate to 500

    Just a small example to make it clear I hope. I found the container object in the Wiki. That?s normaly the first place to lok for exotic parts of construct.



  • I love the way flash handles elements. Every object has its own timeline and can hold it�s own actions and subobjects. Is it possible to create some kind of container object with it�s own event sheet? Also a global library for reusable elements would be great.


    I create a complicated Explosion with different particle systems for fire, smoke, different debris ect. Creating this effect in a container object (has it�s own canvas like a layout) would speed up the workflow. Exposed variables could be a good way to control the container object (like Expose: width of object a inside containerobject as: "Debriswidth". Then within the normal layout you can access this exposed variable via the layouts normal event sheet.

    A global library where I can drag reusable elements into my layouts would be a great addition.

    I know my english is gruesome. Sorry for that.



  • Greetings Community,

    Normally I like to introduce myself to a new community. Bashing the window and firing questions into the horde is not the best way to "get in". I�m a little short in time right now so I hope this wont get nasty if I drop the personal info for now.

    I�m on my way to create a little casual game for a client to promote her website. I�m in the middle of creating a tutorial and find it quite cumbersome to do all this animation stuff like dialog boxes popping up with an ease in effect, fading in text, moving objects to show how the player has to play. I have a bigger project in mind but it has a story and just imaging that I have to visually code every little piece of tiny animation makes me nervous. Is there any way to display SWF files? Sure it would be "master" to recieve/send variables so the whole stuff with animated menus, intros ect. could be done in flash. Right now a simple SFW display with automatic start would do it. Maybe checking if a file is at it�s end. Can this be done with Phyton?

    Again, sorry to break in and ask this but I found nothing here nor on the web.

    Thanks in advance


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Member since 29 Jan, 2011

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