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  • In my game the player uses 8-direction movement and has a different animation play depending on which direction they are moving in, and I want to do the same thing with the enemy but I can't figure out how to make them be restricted to the 8-directions (as in not being able to move at any angle), I want them to chase the player but not beeline straight to them because I want to make sprites for each angle they face and also make them a bit easier to avoid, I also want them to wander around with 8-direction movement but if I just put 8 direction movement it doesn't work, is there a way to only have them move like this through the event sheet or behaviours?

  • I made a player with 8-direction movement but I don't want there to be any accel or decel I just want the player to immediately move at max speed, is there any way to set a value to inf

    Or if the accel/decel become instant at a certain value please tell me

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Member since 16 Jul, 2024

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