I second the use of an invisible sprite as a pseudo camera. This gives you even more options including a smoothly-scrolling camera to make your game look silkier! Instead of Set position to Player.X, use lerp.
Every Tick: Set Position to lerp(Camerasprite.X, Player.X+200, 7*dt), lerp(Camerasprite.Y, Player.Y, 7*dt)
This opens it up quite a bit for you. You could even use a variable instead of "Player.X" and just call it CameraTarget. Then, if you want the camera to focus on something else, just change that variable once to something else. The currently-running camera positioning will still be in effect and it will smoothly switch over to the new object. Just change the CameraTarget variable back to the Player and you're back to regular gameplay.
Also, using this in conjunction with LayoutScale can create some really neat things, but I'll spare you. More just hoping that people will see the solution in this thread and see they can take it further and do more.