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  • Hmm well my player is well into development with the platform behavior already. I just wanted to tack on the physics behavior for a grappling hook/swing since it'd be much easier than hacking up the platform behavior for that. I've found a few non-physics grappling hook examples but nothing really cuts it :\ I just did a few tests with the physics behavior and that didn't turn out very well either. Hrm..

  • Can we please have the ability to enable/disable the physics behavior during runtime? My player needs to be able to switch between the physics behavior and platform behavior at any time. A separate object could be used but this would be much more convenient.

  • Open your .caproj with notepad++ and change




    Anyway, I don't know about you but testing a blank .capx on numerous machines here resulted in the same ~59 +/- ~6.4 as opposed to the usual ~61 +/- ~2 Weird thing is that the fps starts where it used to be (+/- ~2) and then shoots up to +/- ~6.4 a second or two after.

    I'm trying to find some old chrome builds but it's not easy. I got what I thought was the 2nd latest build but the fps counter is completely different than it's been the past year so..err..

    I'd test this on other browsers but performance is 10x as bad anyway so it's kind of useless.

  • I imagine 1000+ objects will cause some slow down on-screen or not.

    Still, something definitely changed recently. I'm not sure if it's r115 or a chrome update (if you're having problems in FF I guess that's not it) or what but my chrome fps counter is showing around 59.6 +/- 6.5 when previewing a blank .capx whereas my game with ~500 objects in a layout used to show around 61.0 +/- 2.5!! Any idea what's going on Ashley ?

  • Yeah you don't need physics for this :P Assuming you're using the 8 directional behavior..

    Give your player a variable, lets name it "hurt".

    When the player gets hit, set "hurt" to 10, set his deceleration to 100 or something else very low, set his angle of motion to the angle between himself and the enemy using angle() and finally set his speed to however fast you want him to be knocked back.

    Now if that player variable is greater than 0 then subtract, say, 30*dt. When it's lower or equal to 0, activate your player event group and reset his deceleration.

  • How are you cropping your tiles/backdrops? If you're leaving a 1px space then get rid of it and see if that helps, or do the opposite if there isn't one. Otherwise you probably shouldn't use scaling with low res aliased graphics. Also your second image has some filtering as if your browser's zoom rate is different than 100%..that will also cause seams.

  • Can we move event sheets up or down the list by dragging and dropping them as you can with layouts? Event sheets seem to be listed at random and you can't really organize them.

  • Just wondering if we could get the ability to set a layer's parallax rate & background color during runtime. Would be very useful for those building levels outside of C2's layout editor / using a single layout for all of them!

  • In CC the platform behavior moved along ceiling slopes nice and smoothly. In C2 it uh..yeah..not so much ^^ I know the platform behavior is already super complicated but it'd be great to see this added! There are a number of spots in my game where it'd come in handy.

    Another feature/option that'd be nice (might actually help the above) is to not force the player to fall when hitting a ceiling, but "push against" the ceiling until the whole jump has finished or the player lets go of the jump button. It's a somewhat uncommon mechanic but still useful depending on the game.

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