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  • Guess that's what you'd call it atleast. Sorry if this should've gone in the bugs section, the new template isn't really suited for it.

    1) When I open my project my previously opened tabs are all out of order. I'm usually presented with layouts I rarely even open.

    2) When I open the file browser in the image editor it is all the way at the bottom. I've probably re-positioned it 300 times now but it never remembers.

    3) Colors in the image editor are selectively remembered.

    4) Might actually be by design, but when you select a frame in the image editor the first image point is auto-selected. Makes setting lots of image points tedious.

    5) When C2 encounters that crash-on-exit while an event sheet is open, there's a chance every sub event & group will be opened and event width at minimum when re-opening the project.

  • It'll show up eventually. I think I was at 2.5 when I got my 2nd and still waiting on the 3rd but my devotee badges bugged up so it doesn't really matter now XD;

  • Only thing that bothers me is the duplicate threads. I've never been to a forum with so many of the exact same topics :L

  • Oh cool. I'm sure they will come in handy somewhere!

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  • And my day has been made. Many thanks R0J0hound :)

  • "so it appears to be overlapping but is really just a tiled illusion"

    Correct - that video is of the animated water tile workaround I mentioned doesn't actually use transparent water sprites or anything.

    What you're not noticing though is how the checker pattern on the tiles is wiped out and replaced with solid blue. It's not just a transparent overlay.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Your example would result in something like the one on the left. I'm going for the one on the right and the goal is to use only 2 objects to reproduce the effect in this image.

  • Unless I misunderstood the question you just need to run a loop.

    +For "" from 1 to 5

    -Create object at <x> + loopindex("") * <distance apart>

    then maybe set IDs to loop index and go from there.

  • Nope, because of half-tiles, slopes, edges, etc. as mentioned earlier. Only certain parts of the water tiles need to affect the tiles underneath, which can only be done through shaders or individually animated tiles as we did for the video I just posted in the OP - but that's very tedious and inefficient.

  • Seems everyone wants this feature for large-scale RPGs and such but I question how it benefits them at all. Maybe I'm missing something, but for a large project you'll need complete and total control over every aspect of your saved data which isn't what you're getting with save states. Plus if you're loading levels externally, which you probably should for said projects, then they're useless.

    For complex subscreens and such you want contained in separate layouts, however, this is a godsend. You could save state, go to said layout, return to the original, and pick up where you left off. That said, I'm looking forward to this feature :)

  • Thing is, the water is heavily animated. The image was just whipped up to show what I'm going for and is one of many possibilities. Currently we're using 2-tone water tiles + animated water tiles with about 8 wave variations depending on what is overlapping the surface. It works, but it's a pain to manage (half tiles, slopes, edges, etc.) plus we're using Tiled so they're not the easiest things to implement. Achieving this effect with a single water object instead would make my day.

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Does anyone know of a shader or maybe some canvas feature that can achieve this effect? It's important that the detail on the underlying texture be replaced with solid color (notice how you can't see the checker pattern when submerged)

    EDIT: The image seems to be throwing people off so here's a video showing what I'm going for (using animated water tiles instead, read second post for more info)

  • Thanks for all the help, Tulamide. You've been invaluable to the construct community and always helped with everyone's projects as if they were your own. Hope everything works out, for you as well Newt.

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