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  • I haven't had a BSOD years? Perhaps you should invest in a new machine / copy of Windows 7 or 8. Also you should always back up your projects and save regularly.

  • Ga2Z - Flickering?

  • Ashley - Everything seems to be working well over here. I've tested the new changes in 3 different projects all using slopes, jump-thrus, a series of custom mechanics + platform enemies. The only difference is you now have to use a collision offset of 0,1 to detect the floor instead of "Is Overlapping", which makes more sense anyway.

    The 2nd way I mentioned you can reproduce the bug is still there, but it's so hard to pull off I guess it's ok for now.


  • It's only too many if you can't manage them anymore. The player in one of my games has ~550 events and that's after refactoring :)

  • UberLou ErekT

    -Really long save/load/preview times since all layouts, backgrounds, tilesets, etc. are internal.

    -Won't be able to have team members build levels unless you buy a C2 license for each one and use SVN or something.

    -Each layout has its own layers & properties so unless you duplicate levels & erase everything to start fresh or make a template of sorts you might spend a lot of time setting these up.

    -Will have to rebuild all your levels if you decide to switch to another game maker.

    -You'll probably have to - in every layout - place a trigger at each door telling it which layout to go to next and which door to create your player at. You'll also have to save your player's variables between rooms if you want the transitions to be convincing. It's difficult but that can be completely avoided using your own editor by loading a whole area at once but creating/destroying rooms individually.

    -Can't use tiles.

    It's just bad news. Back when I used MMF I tried making a 'vania using a frame for each individual room and it was a mess. It's certainly more feasible in CC/C2 but I wouldn't recommend it unless the game was really small.. Like A Mini Falafel Adventure or something.

  • I'm working on a Metroidvania myself, actually. Definitely possible but you might want to look into AJAX, project files, tmx. importer, and dictionaries. I think there are some "Metroidvania" examples around here but they use individual layouts for each room/area which won't get you very far in the long run.

  • Not sure anyone's games have really "pushed C2 to the limit" yet, unless you're talking about framerate. Best to see what's capable by finding / learning to use certain features you'll need for said large project.

  • Ashley - The bug was no longer reproducible in that .capx so I took it down. Here is a new one showing 2 ways to reproduce it with slightly different results. The 2nd is kind of tricky, though. Thanks for looking into it still.

  • Helladen That's not a bug. You need to use a separate collision mask object (usually a rectangle) and use that as your player instead. The sprites are purely cosmetic.

    Ashley It's very difficult to make a .capx to reproduce this but there is a bug with the platform behavior and corners. Instead of sliding along the top like the OP was about, the "on landed" condition isn't triggered. This is especially bad for platform characters with landing animations that affect the x velocity as the whole thing is skipped.

  • That's awesome and I appreciate the work he has done but it seems if he didn't take it upon himself to write these we'd never see them. Plus, with all the bad experiences I've had with unstable & unreliable 3rd party plugins, it'd be great to see Scirra do at least the exporter ones themselves. "Hastily written" & "I do not use these for my own projects anymore" are not very assuring.

  • So not only are we relying on 3rd parties for exporters, we're relying on other 3rd parties to write the plugins ensuring we can actually use said exporters? Lovely.

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  • Then how will we be able to fully utilize these exporters? Like, right now you can only play a node webkit game at native resolution or fullscreen - how will we be able to change the window size at will? Can't expect them to go out of their way to write plugins just for C2.

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