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  • If you save as a project folder you can overwrite the project files outside of C2. They must first be added in C2 though. Not the best system..

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  • Other side of the country :\</p>

  • Yep. To add to the score you can set the key to itself + a number. Alternatively you can store data in a dictionary or array since it's more manageable, and then save the whole thing to a webstorage key.

  • This bug is a side effect of the fix that was made in r120 in response to my "Platform Behavior Bug (Gliding over platforms)" report. I believe it's lines 596-570 or somewhere around there that causes it. I removed them so I can't check without re-installing.

  • +1 Same goes for moving an event below another event that has sub events; it just becomes another sub event!

  • Yeah, more or less the same as using families but instead of hundreds of objects populating your objects/families lists there' Both ways have their pros and cons.

  • I know very little about XML so the only workaround I can think of is separating the individual messages with a dash or something and using TokenAt(text,index,delimeter) to display the message, with index being a variable that is added to upon user input.

  • It wouldn't be too hard to make a little app yourself that can do this. Basically a tile-based level editor but instead of placing tiles you select the cell and give it the text from a nearby text box or drop-down menu. Actually I think someone made something like that for arrays in CC. Might look into it!

  • I think event sheet includes & sub-folders are what you're looking for. With them you can program each little aspect of your game and then later on bring everything together. No need for "master controller objects" ^^;;. Reminds me of my clickteam days. Also I don't see any need to localize variables unless you're making an RPG or something. Another thing that might help is "objects in objects" - keep all, say, collectibles, as a single object with different animations for each one. Can work for enemies too. I did that for Bumper's Quest before families were implemented and it worked very well.

  • I had made a fair amount of tile-based level editors before the .tmx importer came around.

    This one was in C2..what a nightmare.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is the biggest one I made in CC..Was pretty cool because you could rotate tiles & objects, and groups of tiles like big tetris pieces ( Thanks again tulamide ). All objects and properties, tilesets, and BGs were chosen in the list boxes. There were also extra properties like "highlight current layer", zoom, scroll speed, and a drop-down menu to choose level properties like music.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Currently event width and settings like "Show Add Action Links" are event sheet specific...and layout settings like "Grid Width" & "Grid Height" are layout specific. Also "Show Add Action Links" is reset every time a project is opened, so if you dislike them you have to uncheck this setting for every event sheet every time!

    That said, would it be possible to add an option to apply these settings/properties to all event sheets & layouts, and for C2 to remember them?

  • It's been brought up a million times. Basically Scirra is a small team and can't afford the time to make native exporters. Additionally, each plugin would have to be re-written multiple times for each exporter. I don't see CocoonJS or AppMobi or Phonegap or any wrapper of the sort being the solution either especially now that they're just playing the blame game, but I'm 99% sure we're sticking with 'em anyway.

    I think the plugin thing is the main reason Scirra won't consider it. Personally I don't like the idea of 3rd party plugins (and only use 2, 1 of which I can remake with just events) so nixing them in favor of native exporters is fine by me.

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