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  • Ah. I didn't try it with anything other than letters and the arrow keys. Not really sure how to go about that without an event for every key :

    Ashley would it be possible to add the rest of the strings at some point?

  • I'm using Keyboard.StringFromKeyCode(Keyboard.LastKeyCode) to retrieve the name of the last key pressed, for my control config.

    For whatever reason it works perfectly for everything but the arrow keys; up, right, and left return a blank string and down returns "(".

    Same results in 2 projects. Anyone else have this problem?

  • I've gotten numerous crashes from changing multiple instances' initial visibility (and sometimes other properties), then previewing the game immediately after. Hasn't happened in a while though. Maybe it's related?

  • So..Adding a new file to your project files folder outside of C2 does not add the file to your project inside C2, nor does updating a file outside of C2 work.

    However, if you add the file to your project inside C2, save, close, and re-open..then from then on you can modify it outside of C2 and it'll work.

    Why is that? It may seem like a minor inconvenience but it's a pretty big deal if working in a team. Either each member needs a C2 license and the .caproj to add new files in C2, or the one member with the .caproj has to be responsible for adding everyone's project files himself.

    Imagine 3 people making hundreds of rooms for a 'vania, each one a separate project way I'm adding/managing all of them myself!

    Anyway..That said, could we maybe have a button to add/update project files in a C2 project if changes have been made outside the editor? Better yet, could they just be synced at all times?

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Link to .capx file (required!): Any of the platformer examples.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

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    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack: Win7, 1

    Construct 2 version: r123

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  • +9999

    The player in one of my projects has 200+ frames, 2 parts, and 3 image points. For the love of god, please add this!

  • Project files, server, XML, CSV, JSON (array, dictionary, etc). Take your pick :) There is info on all of this in the manual.

  • Bump.

  • Er..Pretty sure you'd get the same results in CC or anything else. 1 particle per tick simply isn't enough for a seamless trail.

  • Using every tick or 0.01 seconds or w/e doesn't spawn particles fast enough to make a seamless trail. I use the loop (which also moves the beam for pixel-perfect collisions) to spawn the particles at a very high rate and that's where the problem lies. For the record they are destroyed shortly after so there's never more than ~20 particles per beam.

    I tried giving each beam a variable that is subtracted by n*dt and creates a particle / resets itself each time it goes below 0. It helps but I still get about twice the particles at 0.1 time scale..

  • I'm using a for loop to create a seamless beam trail / laser similar to this with small particles. Works great but the lower the time scale is, the more particles that are spawned. I can't just use every tick or milliseconds because they don't spawn the particles fast enough to make the trail seamless so..any ideas?

    Here is a .capx.

  • I was actually going to suggest this but using a dedicated object for layout variables works just as well o.o

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