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  • Construct's platform behavior has always had a weird way of rounding off corners. I've tried forcing the player down a few pixels when running over gaps (using collision offsets) but nothing has worked very well and if it does it looks bad.

  • I'm a little bummed at the gamepad, it doesn't seem to have a start or select button.There was talk of a touch-screen on the middle of the controller during the kickstarter (notice that circular pad?) but I haven't found any info on it since. Maybe that will contain customizable commands including start & select?

  • Ashley Sorry for the late response. This bug occurs much less frequently as of r113/114, and is very difficult to reproduce in the example now, but unfortunately it still happens from time to time in my other projects.

    Actually this may have introduced another bug (it may just be my code, I'll look into it) where your player is pushed upwards a few pixels after stopping on a slope. I never had that happen before r113 so..

  • Might want to look into the TMX Importer plugin by RexRainbow. It allows you to use tiles in your game without building your own editor since C2 isn't really made for that stuff.

  • Since that would functionally destroy tiles, wouldn't some sort of portal rendering to disable/enable collisions or destroy/load tiles be better? I specifically remember asking this question (but for CC) and everyone shot down the idea because VRAM usage would skyrocket..among other things I can't recall right now.

  • Have to remake the game unity which comes with the dev kit.

    Figured :\</p>

  • This has actually been around since day 1, and was even a problem in CC, but got much worse in C2 r112.

    If you are jumping and move on to a platform horizontally - often when pushing up against it - there's a chance that your player won't land but instead get stuck in a sort of jumping/landing limbo. The only ways to get out of it are to jump again, walk off the platform, or stop moving horizontally in which case the player will do a short "hop" that is actually the remainder of the previous jump.

    Here is a .capx to easily reproduce this bug.

    The player is yellow when on the floor and orange when not. Just hold right and jump to that higher platform while moving and chances are you'll "land" but remain orange.

  • Not sure if this is a bug or some sort of browser thing as usual, but it takes about 1 whole second for muting or volume adjustments to take effect. This is bad if you have instant pause-menus that decrease volume or music that fades in or out.

    .capx here

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  • I'm with Arima - take it out! An old CC project of mine used to crash left and right and I finally narrowed it down to the sprite font plugin. There are a few plugin-free bitmap font examples lying around, in fact R0j0hound made one for C2 that you can easily port to CC. Yeah it's not as easy to work with but if it means your game doesn't crash...You can find it here

  • Give each door a variable called "EntryPoint" or something.

    Find the door in a layout that leads to a door in another layout, and set their EntryPoint variables to the same value, say, 1. This pairs them up. Do this for each "pair" of doors, but make sure each pair has a different value. Now give your player a variable that is set to door.EntryPoint each time he walks through a door.

    +On start of layout

    +Player.EntryPoint = Door.EntryPoint

    -Set Player position to Door

    Then include this ^ in each layout, and you should be set!

    That's how you do this using different layouts, atleast. If you're making a metroidvania or something of the sort I highly suggest using 1 layout and loading rooms through project files or something.

  • Behaviors use delta time behind the scenes but that's it. There's a manual entry on delta time here that explains it in more detail.

  • Yeah it's been like that for a while..A quick workaround is to set your player's Y to the platform's Y whenever you land while overlapping one (provided your platforms' hotspots are at the top.) Only problem is you can see the player being pushed up a pixel a two every time you land if you look closely, but it's better than nothing.

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