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  • Ashley Sorry to bump but is there any news concerning this feature?

    With it you could access complex pause-menus or sub-screens contained in separate layouts, then return to the game exactly as it was (meaning you no longer have to hide pause-menus or sub-screens in invisible layers, use timescale to pause the game, nor use object time scales to keep menus and such running when time scale = 0.) That would be pretty great!

  • Haha sorry about that. I figured it out and tried to delete the topic, but instead it just deleted the OP. I'm assuming this happened because I deleted the topic after you posted, but before refreshing the page to see it.

  • Alternatively you could just use "overlaps at offset". No plugins, no variables.

  • O_o Geez can we not just get "Image Offset" from CC in here? Or maybe implement it as a shader? That would solve this problem and more.

  • Whiteclaws Unfortunately that's not very practical in C2. There's no file i/o (and project files are still internal), you can't retrieve object names, variable names, nor variable index, there are no listboxes and so on, and image offset was not carried over from CC so forget tilesets unless you want to use sprite objects (but then you get performance issues and zero customization). Making your own would be the way to go seeing as it would be external and open for team members or players, but C2 doesn't provide everything you need to get the job done.

    Now, that's not to say you can't make a level editor for a very small, basic game, but even then you'll have a very hard time using it (and team members can't use it unless you load levels from a server, which means you can't load levels in preview.)

    Also if you use tiles then you will get seams. I've tried pixel rounding, point sampling, and ^2 size textures but they still show up on some machines.

  • Thanks! Yeah we have discussed greenlight but I think we're going to get a playable demo going first.

  • It's useless for tile-based games, for one. Fantastic for most everything else, though. Also I agree that there's been way too much focus on exporters and such lately. C2 itself is just floating around right now.

  • Happy Halloween! New video in the original post!

  • Have you tried enabling "Pixel Rounding"? This helps tremendously for retro games but it doesn't work for scaling or rotation which is weird.

  • Modified WiiU controllers?

  • I see. I suppose smaller (especially browser or mobile) games would need more progressive advertising, and if devs are busy pumping out a game each month or so then such deals are very convenient. The idea of selling the whole thing for a single payment is just very odd to me, but I'm not familiar with developing small browser/mobile games so eh, sorry for speaking too soon I guess ^^;

    No revenue share is kinda scary though, ya never know just how successful your game could end up.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I never understand offers like these. "Let me buy your game so I can publish it myself and make all the money while you get a small one-time, up-front payment."

    Am I missing anything?

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