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  • Oh. Sorry!

    No, it's just a cosmetic thing as far as I'm concerned.

  • Ugliness is irrelevant, what's happening here should not physically be possible. At 2x resolution, 1 in-game pixel should be presented as 4 actual pixels, and those 4 pixels should move as one. That's not what's happening in C2 - it's basically re-drawing the image at a higher resolution! This means that anything being scaled or rotated has a different pixel ratio than anything that isn't. So by itself it looks pretty good..but in-game it's very similar to sprite clashing.

  • I can look in to the size thing, but how exactly do you round an angle to the nearest pixel?

    I think it just comes down to the way the canvas is resized/stretched. It seems C2 isn't drawing the images and then scaling them up; it's scaling up the images and then drawing them. I don't know how else to put it lol.

    Here's a visual comparison:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The bottom row is what you'd expect in-game Megaman to look like at 1x,2x, and 4x at a 45? angle. No matter how big he gets, he appears exactly the same as he does at 1x resolution. That's good.

    The top row is what Megaman looks like in C2 - That's not an angled Megaman scaled up, that's a scaled up Megaman at an angle. He's completely re-drawn in a different resolution!

    (I know NES Megaman or any 8-bit sprite for that matter wouldn't be scaled or rotated - it was just a cleaner example. There are lots of 16 & 32-bit games with sprite rotation & scaling and the same thing applies.)

  • Or you can change "parallax in editor" in the layer properties to "yes".

  • Graphics with a black border like that are supposed to be used with an additive effect.

  • Dustforce was developed using Game Maker

    Prototyped* Their own engine was used for the final version.

  • Is it possible to have the 'pixel rounding' option affect size and angle as well? Currently it only affects movement.

    If the canvas is stretched using any of the fullscreen options, and an object is scaled or rotated, it doesn't go by "in-game pixels" but rather each pixel on your monitor, which looks weird for low resolution games (and might affect higher resolution games as well); kind of like Dorkly's sprite-based videos.

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  • Could always just...not have the player kill the enemies. Make them more like obstacles; dangerous things to avoid.

  • It helps to make the enemies distinctively evil or non-human, like evil minions, monsters, robots, etc. That way the violence feels a little more..justified?

    Or you can make combat more comical - have enemies fly off the screen instead of exploding or disappearing, use stars or something instead of blood, etc. (In Metroid: Fusion, very few enemies actually die - instead they turn into X parasites and possess other enemies or just fly away)

    One other trick that helps with this is enemy re-spawning like in Megaman X or something - nothing actually DIES, just returns to its original position with full health and such. This prevents the level from becoming desolate after killing everything, which could inadvertently make your game seem much darker.

  • I personally thought it was terrible.

  • Set DestText.text to ""

  • I don't think it'll be a problem..If it is, just add "trigger once", or maybe have it set an object variable so you can use that instead.

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