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  • Equinox80 Yeah I've been doing that for a while...Problem is it results in reeeeally long load times if you have a lot of tilesets.

    Scirra mentioned thety are working on a tilemap editor so this plugin might be obsolete soon ^^;

    Unless you need to dynamically load your levels for a metroidvania or something...but even then you're better off using your own editor.

  • You could come close with shadow casting and some shaders, but eh..not really the same. I think you'll need a new one.

  • Not sure why we have booleans at all, really. Toggling seems to be their only use and you can do that with normal vars and a single event as well.

    Also a string can essentially be a 1-dimensional array.

  • Can try "retrieve tile array in duration" or whatever. Or just load them before the screen transition finishes, provided you have one.

  • Should be pretty easy with the platform behavior. Just manipulate vector x and vector y with some variables. Have a bounce height, divide it by 2 when landing, add to a bounce counter to tell the player when to completely stop, etc.

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  • That's the whole point! You can also use a single layout for the whole game and load levels externally but y'know...depends on what you're going for.

  • Joannesalfa Well it's missing some features that make it practical for tilesets & overlays but it's definitely a step in the right direction.

    1) The texture doesn't repeat

    2) Only one image per object type

    If these things can be fixed then we will have an amazing tileset/image offset plugin on our hands and I'd be happy to make examples including a mini tile-based editor.

  • How to collaborate on projects with SVN

    I used dropbox for a few team projects and strongly regret it. Haven't tried SVN yet, though.

  • Awesome!! It seems only the default properties work though; messing with the offset/size parameters with events doesn't do anything. Tested in Chrome, NW, FF, IE.


    Sorry for taking so long. This might be related to the resolution issue Sqiddster brought up. I'm not sure if that feature existed the first time I used this.

  • I see. I messed around with the canvas and sprite objects the other day.. Basically a resizable canvas can paste a tile or group from a single-image tileset, then load said image into a blank tile on the map. Worked pretty well but you could only paste as many images as there are animation frames and, as you said, those image URLs are massive.

    I'll try your way and see what I can come up with.

  • Tiled supports isometric maps if you didn't know.

    P.S. Any optimization ideas?

    Paste 'em!

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