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  • lol, wow. Fan-games are one thing but this is just abysmal.

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  • Yeah I really hope this is addressed soon. Literally thousands of 2D games use tiles and not just retro ones, either. To say they're a niche feature is laughable; they are as essential as sprites themselves. Without them C2 is severely limited in what it can make.

    Construct 2 has an enormous disadvantage when it comes to RPGs.

    Any genre, really. I couldn't even make levels for Bumper's Quest or Schr?dy using C2's layout editor.

    ex's tmx importer is good, but it requires a lot of external sources and it only works at run time.

    The TMXImporter is not a good solution as it radically changes the workflow and is way more work than it's worth:

    -Every single object, property, tile, and background has to be hard-coded

    -You have to have sprite objects act as tiles which is not only inefficient but a pain in the neck to work with

    -Tiled is not that great of an editor in the first place and is only updated like once a year. The TMXImporter doesn't fully support it either.

    -You don't get to use a single feature in C2's layout editor

    I do appreciate Rexrainbow making it though... I wouldn't be working on anything right now without it.

  • When it comes to dynamically loading assets or using custom built editors you don't have much of a choice but to go desktop-only with node-webkit. Project files don't exactly work like you'd expect them to and I don't think a game like this will work with CocoonJS for reasons stated in your post. I haven't tried dynamically loading animations and probably never will since you can only load a single frame/file at a time and it has to DL first.

  • The official node webkit object can write files.

  • Not really. Just set scroll X/Y to the object and toggle with a variable.

  • Bump.

    newt PM'ed

  • jojoe All the images in that topic are broken..wasn't even sure what it was until you pointed it out here >.>

  • People still use their OUYAs? huh.

  • For extremely fast bullets, instant-hit bullets, or pixel-perfect bullets, you need to use loops. Something like...

    +Bullet.Count > 0

    +For 1 to 5

    -Set Bullet.X to Self.X+60*dt

  • +1

  • Might want to read up on the canvas plugin. Pretty sure that's what's causing the performance issues.

  • Very useful plugin. Thanks man!

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