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  • Just learned today how insanely useful this is for level editors, especially when combined with the canvas plugin. Thanks man!!!

  • I think, ideally, the "default instance" would be the object in the menu...

    Create object

    is added to the menu (not the layout)

    set object's default properties in the menu

    drag instance into layout using default properties.

    Then perhaps there could be a "set to default" button in the object properties which sets them to what they originally were when it was first created.

    No object bank layout, no forced layout instance, no more questions!

  • Yeah forcing a default instance is kind of weird. The error when one doesn't exist mentions how it'll be fixed soon. That was..2 years ago?

  • Dude just use collision tiles..You don't want every single tile checking for collisions anyway.

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  • Well, this topic started out as a request for a preview mode warning... now it is going to be "What JoJoe did wrong to make it export improperly" I am afraid.

    Well, this seems to be the case else more people would be making similar topics.. Personally I've found node webkit to be the most accurate to the preview. Post some .capx's so we can check them out I guess.

  • Hm. Seems this plugin doesn't really work like it used to. I'm trying to simply paste all my tiles into it prior to destroying them but I get a blank image.

    In another .capx I covered half an image with the paster object, pasted it, then destroyed the object, and all I got was a blurry mess. Covering the whole image results in a blank image. Any ideas? I remember testing this when it first came out and it worked just as I expected..

  • Sometimes I go 10 days without a crash, other times I get 10 crashes a day.

  • <; I thought we were past threads like this. Use the tool that's best for you. Both have their advantages, C2 being user friendliness and ease of use. Frankly, GMS is the one with dozens and dozens of fully-functional published mobile, browser, and desktop games. Not C2.

  • Reading one more thing about exporters in general will drive me insane -w- C2 itself has been sort of stagnant for months.

  • Unless Ashley adds "Use expression" to the drop-down lists (like in CC) this will never be added. As shinkan pointed out, the current method is far more versatile.

  • That's just how it is with a low resolution and framerate independence. You can move your objects strictly by fps*dt but that's probably not an option.

  • +1 Would fix the sub-pixel problem too.

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