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  • C2 makes its own spritesheets upon export so it doesn't matter.

  • To be honest I didn't even know they made laptops with such low specs ^^; I'd look elsewhere. I understand you want to make sure your games run on lower end devices, but this is pretty far below average.

  • Get ready to play Mario with tilt controls and a single context-sensitive tap function. Also that thing looks like a vacuum cleaner.

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  • There were less than 200 when C3 was announced, and there will be more than 200 releases when it launches. It's just to get the point across..geez.

  • Well with the entire community downloading a new build every week or so the numbers are bound to be pretty high ^^; Still a lot, though.

  • This thread is 4 years old. Do yourself a favor and move on to C2

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  • I've seen a dozen community projects fail miserably or never get off the ground at all. It's a cool idea but never pans out.

    The best you can do is get a very small and competent dev team with a solid idea and workflow utilizing contributions from the community - but good luck getting so many people from various backgrounds to work in the same art style and so on.

    On that note, I'm sorry, but C2 is pretty bad when it comes to collaboration of any sort. It works with SVN, but it wasn't necessarily designed from the beginning to do so. Things like default instances and external resources can cause all kinds of trouble.

  • lol.

    Playing Metroid fan game

    Room transition

    Ad pops up

    Wait 5 minutes to finish room transition, or complete survey instead (and receive 5 missiles as a reward)

    Continue to next room


    Subscreen has banner ads covering item descriptions. Click the tiny x randomly placed in a corner to see what lies beneath.


    Mini-map occasionally plays ads, with audio.

    In all seriousness, you probably can get away with this. It's no different than LP's on youtube with ads. It's a rather despicable move though if you ask me.

  • Ah, forgot about that. I'd request it or just start using your own "layout zones" with 9-patches as I mentioned earlier.

  • I don't use the built-in save feature so I can't help you much there...However, you're generally better off not using the layout size at all - instead use a 9-patch or something to define the size and shape of the layout, use clamp() to keep scrollx/y within its boundaries, and enable unbounded scrolling. I guess you'd have to use the no save behavior with it too.

    In the future you might consider using dictionaries/arrays to manage save data instead - you have far more control with them.

    edit: Maybe you can place an object in each layout with 2 variables containing the width & height of the layout, give it the no save behavior, and set the layout size to them when needed. If you adjust the layout size later in development you'd also update these object's variables. *shrug*

  • Input feels more responsive, actually.

    Not much to say on performance...all I have are painstakingly optimized retro games ^^; Didn't notice a single jerk or anything though.

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