Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Not happening.

  • You guys know most people are already participating in Ludum Dare, right? Still has 5 hours to go, actually.

  • I hear you shouldn't use images larger than 2048x2048. Either way I'd choose sprites + render cells if they're mostly static.

  • I'm with A bitmap font that lets us use different colors, font styles, behaviors, etc. in a single string would be awesome. Here's an example from Marty's Fun Tumblr:

    “Regular Text|||| [w1][c1]Color Test||||#[w0][s1][c4]Color Test2||||| [r]Regular Text#||||[c9]I’m a dialog box!”

    (what do you call these btw? string/text codes?)

    Here is a slightly cleaner example from MMX:Corrupted's dialogue editor. Give it a minute.

  • Buildbox does look kind of interesting. Tired of not seeing tile support in 2D game engines though. Y'know, those things ~90% of the world's 2D game levels were built with. Seems this engine is targeted towards simplistic mobile games though, so I guess that explains it..

    edit: Ew. stick with C2, guys.

  • +If Scroll_Horiz = 1

    -Set ScrollX to Player.X

    +If Scroll_Vert = 1

    -Set ScrollY to Player.Y

    Some behaviors serve only to limit your options and save a few clicks...

  • What is with this forum and analogies.

  • We've had the layout size at 10,10 because we're shaping the level with our own room zone objects, and forgot the margins are relative to the layout size. We've also been using Tiled for the longest time so eh. Either way it'll let us continue doing things this way if the margins are increased. Thanks!

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  • Ashley With tilemaps, rendering cells, and the 'recreate initial instances' action, creating and managing very large levels or metroidvania areas in single layouts is finally possible. However, we were surprised to find out that the maximum layout margin is only 10,000...preventing us from finishing some of our levels. Any chance this limit can be increased in the next build?

  • Immensely. Especially when paired when rendering cells, if used properly.

  • For the record I haven't had any performance issues in a long time (using NW.js). Granted I am developing retro games with a resolution of 320x240, but it still has very large dynamically loaded levels and such. Maybe just stick to slightly smaller's still browser technology you know.

  • Try working with other people. There is a certain obligation and motivation to finish things when working in a team. And of course you can bounce ideas off eachother and gain new perspectives on this and that.

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