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  • TiAm Picking tiles from the layout wouldn't require any work on the UI, really...just zooming, which I still don't think is that necessary. Also people keep saying "I just build my own editor when using tiles" but I find it very hard to believe it's anything er...worthwhile...given our options. Do you use sprites acting as tiles or what?

  • Or spend a few minutes learning about ROMs and Emulators and have literally any game with tons of extra features. Are you guys new to the internet?

  • Yeah I assume it'll be addressed in C3 but that could be another year or two...we've already waited since CC for tile support, come on...

    I can't believe I'm actually considering different engines entirely because I can't use freaking tiles - you know, the basis of 2D level construction for 3 decades.

    TMX Importer + Sprites as tiles = bullsh*t (performance killer, unmanageable tilesets, snags when loading, insanely long preview/export times, bad workflow)

    TMX Importer + Tilemap objects = bullsh*t (incompatible. I've tried many times many ways)

    Tilemap object importing .tmx files = bullsh*t (ridiculous & impractical workflow)

    Tilemap object by itself = bullsh*t (too inefficient)

    Off topic but what I really want for C3 is for it to stop doing things its own unique (and often less efficient) way. Ashley is so against "reinventing the wheel" yet does it all the time. /rant

  • Picking up previously-placed tiles from the layout to place elsewhere (essentially copy/paste).

    The tilemap object, with all the work that went into it, that we waited all this time for, is just about useless without this feature. Not only will it allow us to reuse complex tile arrangements, structures, etc. but it will speed up production 10 fold. It will also give us a better view of the tiles we're working with because you can zoom in the layout.

    Center-orientation will be great too, so we can change the size of a tilemap object without losing/shifting tiles.

  • I was upset about this too at first, but OBS is better than FRAPS in pretty much every way. Free, too! Might hurt Let's Plays though, as FRAPS is fairly popular.

  • The object is appearing at your mouse + the parallax offset. What you're expecting is more of a new feature than a bug. (Subtract parallax offset when placing instances with parallax preview enabled)

  • With rendering/collision cells and "recreate initial instances" to manage objects in zones, I don't see why not. My main concern is the initial loading of the're talking like...a 30mb layout file at least.

    We need more control over the way our layouts are saved and loaded :T Ideally one giant layout like this would be broken down to a grid and saved as separate files, dynamically loaded/unloaded as you progress.

  • Yep, do it all the time. Just enable unbounded scrolling and use 9-patches or something to define the layout.

  • C2's platform behavior is feature-rich, no doubt, but despite the work that has gone into it I don't find it to be completely polished, and It lacks some fundamental features I need for my upcoming games.

    That said, I'm looking for a programmer to modify the existing platform behavior or write a new one that better suits my needs. I'd be happy to discuss pricing and features with interested programmers via email () or Skype (Tokinsom).

    Ideally, this platform behavior....

    • Will have an option to not end a jump upon collision with a ceiling. Instead, the object will push against the ceiling for the remainder of the jump before falling down, and the jump will continue if a ceiling is no longer in the way (see: "Hydra Castle Labyrinth" or "La-Mulana")
    • Will move independently atop moving platforms (With the existing behavior, if you are moving right on a platform that is moving left at equal speed, you will walk in place. I do not want this to happen.)
    • Will be smoothly pushed by solid, moving objects. No hopping or shaking.
    • Will move smoothly along slopes in a ceiling or wall as it does slopes on the floor.
    • Will move smoothly around edges/corners and not "pop" upwards when jumping against them (recurring bug with the existing behavior)
    • Will fit into spaces equal to the size of the object e.g. 16px tall object fits snug in a 16px tunnel.
    • Will fall into small gaps in floors regardless of horizontal speed (within reason).
    • Will move into small gaps in walls regardless of vertical speed (within reason).
    • Can ignore solids on specified object types, if possible.
    • Will have the same ACE table as the existing plugin, with minor exceptions and additions.

    EDIT: I prefer a behavior but an event-based platform engine with these features will work too. It will be significantly cheaper though. I've written my own in the past but not when delta time was a factor.

  • Problem Description

    When a platformer object is being pushed by a solid object that's moving right, the platformer object gets propelled upwards. The platformer object also shakes when being pushed.

    Attach a Capx ... shbug.capx

    Description of Capx

    Contains platformer object and moving solid object to test with.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Jump against the moving object when it is moving right.

    Observed Result

    Platformer object gets propelled upwards

    Expected Result

    Platformer object should simply move to the right against the moving object.

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Huh. Haven't seen this problem in a long time. Make sure you have a 1px transparent border around the object. Try pixel rounding, low-quality fullscreen setting, etc. Make sure the object position is an integer. Could also be from window scaling.

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  • Yes, that's exactly what it does...but if it's for small repeating sounds like foot steps, gun shots, etc. then you don't even notice it being shorter.

    Alternatively you can make multiple versions of the sound using some program of your choice, name them Sound_1, Sound_2, etc., then use "Play by name" and append a random integer variable to the end...The first method is much easier though if you just want to change the pitch and not use different samples.

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