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  • Containers are very limiting and attempt to do waaaay too much for you. They wouldn't really help in this case either. Would strongly prefer a system like Unity's prefabs, but that's been discussed to death already.

  • You're fine this thread is almost a year old anyway

  • I wouldn't say people *HATE* Nintendo, but they have become very out of touch with their own IP's over the years and their games aren't that good anymore. But I mean...people need to realize that the Nintendo of the 90's and the Nintendo now is literally a different company / different staff, so, whatever. It's not like there aren't a million nintendo fangames out there anyway.

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  • You can use an array and write the file via asJSON and the NWjs object.

    Otherwise the local storage files are in \appdata\local\yourgame\localstorage, iirc.

  • Don't think there's anything you can do about that yourself. I've got a new side project with little more than a player w/ platform behavior and some tilemaps and I'm still getting jank.

  • ... s-with-svn

    Don't waste your time with your own server though; just use Assembla or something.

  • (I think I remember someone saying they can more or less "type in events" just by getting really good with the keyboard shortcuts.) There's also the back and next buttons to easily switch between conditions and objects while preserving as much state as possible. So I think it's closer to keyboard-navigable than some people think.

    Yep, I very rarely use the mouse in the event editor. With C2's keyboard shortcuts, windows keyboard shortcuts, tab, search bars, arrow keys, and the like, you can "type out" events very quickly. The only time things are slow is when I'm filling out default array or dictionary info or something...but even then you could type out strings in local vars and run loops to split them up into arrays and such.

    The alternate UI is interesting but I don't feel it's better or worse, just different. I like that I can see everything at once...but it's not really necessary. With the current system I can find everything I need quickly and easily, only seeing what matters in a given step of the process.

  • Yep, still getting a number of errors with NWjs, amongst broken features. Hope they are resolved quickly..

  • Hm. Could you not just give the objects a tier variable as well as the UID of it's father?

    Tier 0 (Grandfather) spawns 1 (Father) which spawns 2 (Son) and so on, sharing a UID or another identifying variable for reference.

    You'd find the grandfather by comparing an object's own UID to another and subtracting 2 tiers, father by subtracting 1, child by adding 1, and so on.


    Tier = 0

    UID = 111


    Tier = 1

    UID = 111


    Tier = 2

    UID = 111

    Or..y'know, something like that. You could maybe build a string or array storing the UID's of all of an object's parents too.

  • Found out how to reproduce it. I'll file a bug report. Just posted here to see if there was a reason for it and if other people noticed.

  • Ashley I noticed a while ago that the property and object bars occasionally reset when changing an object property, exiting the image editor, etc. It's really annoying, especially when working with objects deep in sub-folders.

    Is this a bug or side effect of recent changes to the editor? Anyone else having this issue?

  • Strange. I'm on a laptop now but I have used Razer, SteelSeries, and WASD mechanical keyboards with C2 in the past with no issues. What model? Does it come with software?

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