Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Out of curiosity...why would anyone need to print out an event sheet?

  • This is actually great, but also kind of intresting : so a bunch of people managed to create exporters (and even speed up the events by transforming them in C++) for the current gen of consoles in their free time while the developers of the Clickteam Fushion were not able.

    One guy, actually.

  • Problem Description

    The NWjs object's "Set window width/height" no longer works, nor does the browser object's "Request full screen".

    Attach a Capx ... owbug.capx

    Description of Capx

    Attempts to resizes the window after 1 second.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Preview layout and wait.

    Observed Result


    Expected Result

    Window should be resized

    Affected Browsers

    • NWjs v0.13.0 alpha 5

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Ashley Can you please make object time scales relative to the game's time scale, or add an action/property to make them relative instead of absolute? Object timescales are kind of useless as-is, unless setting them to 1 or 0. Doing things like making big objects slower / small objects faster, increasing enemy timescales if they are "frenzied", etc. is impossible unless they're relative, since I adjust the game's timescale for slo-mo and other things as well.

    I can probably make object timescales relative by putting them in a family and setting them every tick, but that doesn't sound like a good idea...

  • Yep. keep backups. I have 10 backups + DB backup + SVN server backup + teammate's backups. No it's not overkill

  • r4 is up. Items now have manual IDs to prevent them from reappearing after being collected. There was a recurring bug with the old method, and some users found it too confusing anyway with the way IIDs work with the room system.

  • Glad you guys are finding it useful! If you have a review then please put it on the store page!

  • emixam23 Ah. Just found a long standing oversight there. Objects aren't destroyed in old rooms until the room transition is complete and new room objects are created. This makes the IIDs of the new room items higher than they should be because the old room items still exist.

    It's not the easiest fix, unless I just destroyed items the instant a room transition begins, but that would be weird. I'll figure something out and update soon.

  • This new .capx is great R0J0hound Love how it finds its way around sharp corners too; that was another feature I was hoping to figure out! Thanks again

  • Yeah..I'd be using global layers for that too. Wouldn't worry about memory unless it's a mobile game. Prefabs would be even better though. Imagine creating this UI in a layout, "linking" all of the objects together, and then simply creating that single prefab when and where you need it.

  • megatronx Ah, bummer. Fortunately I only need it for the overworld (the game itself is a sidescroller) but if I were making a full top-down game I'd be wary of using a's a very important feature if projectiles and enemies and such also use it.

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  • R0J0hound Actually that works very well. Ideally, yes, it'd be built-in, but I can make this work if Ashley doesn't want to add it. Thanks for sharing!

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