Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Working great so far! And yes, the ghost process issue seems to have been fixed.

  • Are you using a "collision box" for your player, or does your player sprite handle the collisions? Looks to me like your player sprite handles collisions itself, per pixel, which would have it's arm cling on to the platform when it's falling off of it - creating the problem you're having.

  • Sorry I wasn't aware it was being re-done.

    With that said..There's gonna be an even better camera plugin!? I'll be looking forward to this

  • Ive been using this for the game I am currently working on but for some reason it does not work when I run the layout in debug mode. Is this a common thing or something that only happens to me....

    Doesn't work for me either, I get a black screen. Also, the cameras quit working after loading a game (I'm using system object's "save/load to disk"). Any chance this could be fixed? Pleeease?

  • My pc was running horribly slow the other day so I went to my processes list and found 5 Construct.exes. Seems the .exe isn't terminated after closing Construct. Anyone else noticed this?

    Also yeah, the xbox controller plugin hasn't worked for a while.

  • This looks great. I really hope the devs consider this or something similar.

    I actually loved the "radial thing" TGF/MMF had for animation directions; It was quick and easy to use. It's only drawback was it's 32 direction limit. Having multiple animation directions in Construct's current editor is a serious hassle.

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  • Very cool effect.

  • Yeah there a quite a few objects, but I often make one object multiple objects with the use of directions/animations.

    "Every single object has been scaled up 4x in the layout editor" is what I should have said. The sprites were so small that scrolling & movements were just awful. Making everything bigger seemed to be the only work around.

    I also make my levels in Tiled, then import them into Construct as separate images and scale up 4x (trying my best to stick to pow2 sizes)..I think the biggest level image I've added is only 45kb though.

  • Nah I've been using .wav files.

    I have resized a lot of objects in the layout editor, could that have something to do with it?

  • Just made an .exe of my very small game today and it's 67MB!!! I thought it was the sounds and music at first but altogether they are only 4MB.

    Any idea why it's so massive? Any way to shrink it down a bit (alot)? Thanks.

  • Off the top of my head O_o;

    +input that makes player dash is pressed

    -set value "dash" to (duration of dash in milliseconds)

    +value "dash" is greater than 0

    +player is facing said direction

    -set x component of motion to (speed of dash, - is left + is right)

    -subtract 1 from "dash"

  • ... algorithms

    Linear interpolation is one thing, but if I'm not mistaken these are a little bit different.

    I first discovered these in emulators such as ZSNES. They can make pixelly 8-bit graphics look very smooth; like something that might be used in a Flash game.

    Is there any way these could be used in Construct?

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