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  • You could try increasing the X and Y speed of the plasma. Can't really say without seeing what you're going for, though

  • So I've been making games for a long time but only recently have I come close to completing one. With that came something I'm not too familiar with - Save data.

    Back when I used MMF, arrays were the answer. Seemed simple enough. Collect item, set x,y on the array to a value, then save and load as needed. So I did that, and It worked like a charm..for the first 20 some things I wanted to record. Now it's getting cumbersome. My game has items, item locations, player location, area names, player stats, bosses killed/remaining, and a few other things that all need to be recorded. All of which I must memorize or write down the cell coordinates to.

    It's practical considering the small scale of my game, but what happens when I want to make an RPG or something? The amount of data that must be saved for a game like that is just too much to manually code, especially when each cell is referred to as x,y,z.

    I suppose INI files would make this a bit easier..but it's essentially the same thing, am I wrong? Also, unless you find a way to encrypt the INI file anyone can open it up and change what they will, provided the group or w/e is already there.

    I would just use the built in Save function, but then I feel limited by using it, and it messes with some of the plugins I use.

    So yeah. Your thoughts? How do you save your games?

  • This would be convenient, but in the meantime..

    Give the object a value called "X_Speed" or "Y_Speed" or something, always set it to the platform behavior's X or Y component of motion, and compare.

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  • -There are a lot of things "Undo" and "Redo" don't work on, like changes to an object's animations or properties. Also ctrl+y doesn't do anything.

    -The picture editor should remember any modifications after closing. It's really annoying to have to resize and reposition it every time it's opened.

  • The thing is each animation has a different speed so "xxx" would vary. I guess I could use subevents and name each animation speed individually..I just thought it could be done with a single action D:

  • Is there any way to restore an animation's speed after it's been changed by an event?

    To be specific, my player's animations are slowed down to 10 when it's under water, and need to be set back to default the instant the player exits the water. How can this be done? Thanks.

  • Wow I feel stupid now I don't know how but I did end up with multiple instances of the XAudio2 object, and that's been causing all of the music & sounds problems I've been running in to. Thanks!

  • Sorry to make yet another topic on this, but I've tried everything I know and I'm still having problems playing music.

    -Whenever I play a song (using "autoplay music from resource") I run into 2 problems. The first problem is there's about a 75% chance the song will be started twice, as in there are sometimes 2 "instances" of the same song playing at the same time. It's very loud and sounds awful.

    I've tried adding "trigger once," but that doesn't work. The event I use to start the music is a "one time event" anyway, so there should never be more than one instance of the music playing.

    -The second problem is on that 25% chance only one instance of a song is played, it sounds really distorted. Some songs sound like there's a strong delay/chorus effect, and other songs sound like they're playing the wrong notes.

    Basically I'm getting mixed results each time the music starts. Are there known bugs with the xaudio2 object or am I just doing something wrong?

    • The "Game has been modified. Do you wish to save?" popup still doesn't appear after modifying events, animations, etc.

    -Sometimes when clicking on an event or condition, every event in the editor is highlighted. Scrolling up or down fixes this, but it can get annoying.

    • Hotkeys don't work in the animation editor (Not sure if they're even supposed to, but it would be nice..)
  • Could you please give me an example of use the "Trigger once" event?

    +CPlayer: Value 'CratePush' Equal to 1

    +Trigger once (system object condition)

    -Do stuff

    With that your animation will only be triggered once instead of constantly restarting and showing only the first frame.

  • I believe that's because that event is telling your player to constantly play the push animation. Try adding "Trigger once" with the system object, loop the animation, and stop it when needed.

  • That's about it o.o

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