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  • I've noticed this too. It happens most when your player falls a very short distance or has a really short jump. You can try increasing the gravity or setting the Y velocity to 1 when you let go of the jump button. Maybe a floor detector will help to push the player down when it's 'hovering' over the ground like that.

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  • What?

    A 'fully animated character', or something with 120+ animation frames will not choke Construct. I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Construct 0.x may be delicate, and it can get pretty rough at times, but it's fully capable of handling larger projects.

  • I think there are shaders for that..Otherwise just set the height or width to a negative value.

  • From what I hear the built-in transitions are broken. You're better off just making your own with sprite objects or something.

  • Thing is, will the player ever know you used behaviors? If you just slap a behavior on something and toss it in your game then yes, they'll probably figure it out and it will seem 'boring and unrpoffesional', especially to other Construct users who know how the behaviors work. The trick is to modify the behaviors with events to the best of your ability, or mess with the settings so you come up with something more unique. The platform behavior, for example, is more of a base for your player or enemy, and not a 'package' so to speak. Once you add skidding, turning, wallkick, double jump, hookshot, and the one will know (or even care) that you used a behavior. The only difference is you didn't spend hours coding ALL of it from scratch.

    As far as .97 being 'safe to use'.. I'd say so, with careful planning of course. I wouldn't work on something too ambitious though, save it for C2

  • Great example. I'd love to see what cosp, qarp, and cubic are capable of hint hint

  • .ogg files don't work when using "play music from resource" or "autoplay resource", which is what I have to use to get magicam to not stop the music during transitions. Otherwise, Lucid's idea gets the music to keep playing during transitions, but in turn breaks the waiting to hear from Linkman.

  • In your first post you said that you are using "play music from resource", in your second you talk about magicam stopping music "on a reserved channel". XAudio2 knows music and sound - music is played directly (and parallel to the sound channels) and sound can be played on channels. And only for the latter you may reserve channels. Also, music is never chached, while you have full control over caching sound. If it is music you are using, then it might be that room transitions block access to the harddisc and because of music not being cached, it can't be played during that time.

    I assume you're using exactly one XAudio-object set to "global". Try playing the loops as wav via channels and set a high cache value plus using "cache file" or "cache directory". Other than that, there is only the way of fixing (if it is a bug) magicam.

    Sorry, as always I could have been a little more clear -w-;

    What I meant was I used to play music by doing exactly what you mentioned above, but that caused Magicam to pause the music during transitions. Due to this, I resorted to using "Play Music From Resource". That fixed the transition problem, but now there's a pause between loops. But yes, I think the only way to fix this is through Magicam. I've contacted Linkman so we'll see if something can be done.

    Edit: Actually, Lucid, your idea works...for the most part I'll have to mess with it a bit but I think it'll do.

  • All of the songs were designed to loop, and they loop perfectly in my media player.

    I haven't used music a whole lot, but the few times I did, playing a .wav file from a channel set to loop produced no noticeable pauses. Then again, I'm not sure if that was because of Construct or how the song was.

    Likewise. From what I recall the music looped just fine, but again, magicam (during room transitions) stops music on a reserved channel like that so I'll have to find another way..or talk to Linkman about

  • Is there any way to loop music without that awful pause? I've gotten a lot of complaints on it seems there's nothing I can do about it. It took my friend a while to make these tunes and now I can't even play them properly.

    I'm using "play music from resource." I tried loading them externally, which I think fixed the pause, but I'm using magicam so the music completely stopped during room transitions. Un-checking "Time-Scale Audio" surprisingly didn't fix it.

    Any ideas?

  • Why is this becoming so complicated?

    What's wrong with a 30-day trial w/nag screen & limitations, solid price on a full version of C2, and paid add-ons/exporters? There's still plenty of profit to be made.

  • [quote:29w5jfmw]

    You wouldn't mind programming 5 million lines for that, you make Construct because it's your passion to program a software!...

    If I would make a software like this and first let this be free, it will stay free in the future. I don't want to scare away people with a subscription plan....

    That's silly. Scirra is asking so little for so much. I can't believe some of the comments I'm reading. Atleast Scirra is actually consulting us about it, where most other companies would just slap an outrageous price on their software and call it a day. You don't see any threads on their sites about such prices, do you? While the whole subscription thing seems kind of odd, 150$ every 2 years is nothing, especially if you're profiting from your games. C2 could be 5x more expensive and still cheaper than a lot of other hobbies out there. Anyway..this 'indie perpetual' license sounds like a winner to me.

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