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  • Oh ok. Damnit Tulamide what DON'T you know?

  • Pretty sure. When I delete the cursor my VRAM goes from 5.50mb to 1.50mb. I'll try that out though.

    EDIT: Ok so removing it's "additive" effect takes it from 3.52mb to 0mb...I don't recall shaders taking up so much VRAM like that.

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  • For some reason my 8x8 tile cursor (sprite object) takes up roughly 4mb VRAM.

    There's only 1 frame, and the collision mask is also 8x8.

    I made a new frame for it but it didn't change anything.

    I'm using .97

    What's going on here???

  • ?

  • Speaking of image editors/animators, C2 will be getting brand new ones, right? As in..not 0.x's..

  • Aha! Works perfectly. Thanks


    Does this work for you?

    Well, it keeps the tile cursor from getting offset when zooming, but now the map editor cursor becomes offset :T

    That said, I can now select the correct tile when zoomed in, but can't place it in the correct spot.

    I'm starting to wonder if the zoom is just broken..

  • Here's a .cap I quickly put together to demonstrate the problem: Download Here

    The white cursor is for placing tiles, and is on the layer that zooms. The red cursor is for selecting tiles, and is on the layer that doesn't zoom.

    Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

    Notice how the red cursor becomes offset when zoomed in. (The mouse has to be over the panel on the right to see this)

  • I haven't tested it, but from my head:

    If zooming in to 200%, the area (virtually) represents double the size. Theoretically

    Cursor.x = int(MouseX * (Zoom/100)/8) * 8

    should work.

    Damn. Sounds like it would work, but it doesn't. I'll upload a .cap soon, might make things a bit easier. I really need to figure this out :T

  • Well without seeing how your doing the snap, I'd say the zoom should modify the snap by a percent.

    So if your snap was 25 with a zoom of 100 % it would be more like 50.

    Exactly! I'm just not entirely sure how to put that into the expression. I've messed around with it but no luck. The cursor snaps to the mouse like so:

    Cursor.x = int(MouseX/8)*8

    Cursor.y = int(MouseY/8)*8

    8x8 tiles, of course. Zoom goes by the hundreds, 100%, 200%, 300%, etc.

  • Unbounded scrolling is already checked.

    I should have mentioned this in the first post: The layer the tileset is on has a zoomX/Y rate of 0% so you can zoom in on the map editor part (the grid) without affecting the tileset and menus. That's what's causing the problem. I think I just need to add something to the event that sets the cursor position to the mouse, so that it changes with the zoom %, but I'm not sure what.

  • Anyone? I can post a .cap if needed..

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