Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is it bad to release a game using unlimited framerate mode? If so, can someone tell me why?

    I find that in unlimited framerate mode your controller/keyboard input is registered quicker, the game is slightly faster, and the whole thing just seems more responsive. I don't notice any decrease in display quality or skipping or anything either. So long as I use timedelta well then it should be fine, right?

  • You may try Ikea website, they have 2D plans of most of their furnitures ^^


    I think your best bet is making your own graphics, using another game's (atleast as placeholders) or finding someone that can make you graphics. There are sites that offer graphic libraries and such but from what I've seen they're mostly like..3D textures, models, and so on.

  • Actually, I started remaking Minitroid from the ground up. I didn't know anything about Construct the first time around and we didn't even have level editors or anything. (Only got so far because I used to use MMF)

    That said, I've considered turning it into an original game. We designed all of the enemies/bosses and such, and made everything ourselves (though it's obviously influenced by Metroid)so in a way it's already an original game, just with a Metroid skin.

    Only problem is without the Metroid aspect then all you have is a cliche space-trooper game. Eh.

  • regardless of how polished the game itself may seem, the .cap is incredibly sloppy and the events aren't the least bit organized ^^; That said, it probably wouldn't make a very good tutorial.

    I'm planning on making some tutorials now that we have a nice tutorial section, though it might be a little while before I come up with something.

  • you're a madman tokinsom

    did it take a long time to get that up and running smoothly?

    I fear you may be right about that <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    And, kinda. This is the 4th map editor I've made this year so it's gone pretty well. The 3rd is on a page or two before this. The first 2 however, -cringes-. I didn't know the first thing about map editors so I took every example on this site and tore them to shreds. Roughly a month later I had something half decent, but it was a mess lol. Practice practice..

    On a side note..I made it so you can drop Samus into the map editor and test out rooms as you build them (it overrides the camera and many objects though). Gotta love separate event sheets :3

  • That's what I thought at first but I'm using MagiCam so the event order doesn't change anything :<

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • Sorry to bump but did anyone figure out how to get layers with a 0% scroll rate to work with this?

    I tried setting my HUD in a layer with 100% scroll rate then (always) setting it to scrollxleft and scrollytop but it lags behind when scrolling. Setting the zoom and scroll rates to 0% didn't really help either.

  • I hate playing games. Well, I don't hate it, but I think I've only played like 5 games I actually enjoyed, and played for a good amount of time, years. This applies to all of the people I make games with as well.

    However, I LOVE making games! I spend a lot of time doing it and consider it my biggest hobby right now, aside from making music and graphics..which *cough* always ends up in my games <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> But yeah..I don't have a single console hooked up and every game I've ever owned is in a box in the closet in the other room.

    Now, my brother, and a lot of my friends, LOVE playing games. Hell they've spent thousands of dollars and hours playing games. They all have multiple consoles hooked up, shelves loaded with games, merchandise all over their apartments..

    However, they HATE making games! They want absolutely nothing to do with it. I say "Hey I don't have any projects going on right now and you play a ton of games, right? Well lets work on something!" and they act like I'm about to stick them with a fork and run.

    Rarely, and I mean VERY rarely, a friend of mine who plays a lot of games will throw me an idea - however - 99% of the time it's a horrible idea and I wonder how they came up with it when all they do is play these (apparently fantastic) games that have raked in millions.

    So I find it odd. Either you make games and don't play them or you play games and don't make them. I can't say I've met anyone in the middle.

    Is this true for anyone else here? If so, what are your thoughts?

  • Wow man great job on this, even if it is just one level, its very nicely polished. If you made this for teaching purposes for your friend, is there any chance you'll release the .cap to help other people learn? I just started using this program 3 or 4 days ago and I'm getting the hang of it, but there is still so much to learn.


    Unfortunately the short development of this game went like this:

    Hey Tokin I did this

    cool send it over




    hey try that

    send it back

    oh cool ok I'll do this

    bugs bugs bugs

    send it over

    no, like this

    ok fixed that and added this

    spend half an hour explaining to my friend how _____ works

    wash, rinse, repeat.

    long story short, regardless of how polished the game itself may seem, the .cap is incredibly sloppy and the events aren't the least bit organized ^^; That said, it probably wouldn't make a very good tutorial.

    I'm planning on making some tutorials now that we have a nice tutorial section, though it might be a little while before I come up with something.

  • Was looking for alternatives to MMF and discovered Construct in a MMF vs. Construct vs. GM thread. Almost everyone there said they used to use MMF and switched to Construct so I thought I'd check it out.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Some screens of my WIP level editor and Classic Megaman engine :)

    The pause menu is a place holder. Finally got palette swapping and shifting (for charging) to work! The palette is also external so you can customize Mega's colors, charge outline, charge colors, and the like.

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