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  • Not to be rude but like I said - everything I've tried with events has some major drawback.

    If you just set display res and zoom (like pretty much everyone here suggests) then you can double, triple, even quadruple your VRAM, and layers with a scroll rate of 0% won't work (among other things). You also need to set the scrollx,scrolly, check unbounded scrolling, and increase layout size. It's messy and all around a bad solution imo.

    If you use the window object then the display gets blurry on certain videocards.

    And that's just window scaling. I still don't think you can get a decent fullscreen working unless your default window size is greater than 640x480..not to mention aspect ratio.

    I just don't see why it's so hard to implement this stuff / why it isn't a priority. Crappy gameboy emulators are better at this stuff than Construct!

    Sorry that was uncalled for, but it's true :T

  • It really,really would. I've tried every method of window scaling, full-screen and the like that's been posted here on the forums and every single one of them had some major drawback. Many people have resorted to scaling up their graphics so their games appear to be at 2x. I did it for Minitroid and it sucked, and I still never managed to get fullscreen working for it!

  • So I was lurking around the clickteam forums and found the best thing since Magicam: The Ultimate Fullscreen plugin!

    "Make games in fullscreen without changing the resolution mode, while maintaining aspect ratio. Your game can be any resolution. Widescreen games are displayed in letterbox on normal screens, and non-widescreen games are displayed with black bars on the sides. Pixels are crisp and not anti-aliased.

    There are also options for pixel-perfect scaling (integer-only scale), Hor+ and Vert- widescreen, and manual control of the game rectangle."

    PROBLEM IS it's for Multimedia Fusion. However, the creator uploaded the source HERE

    Would it be possible to get this to work with Construct Classic? If so, is anyone interested?

  • [tube]ACztDDdKayE[/tube]


    I can't do it.

  • Your example doesn't seem to work for me; all letters have an opacity of 100.

    I just reinstalled spritefront and it didn't do anything. I downloaded the one in your original spritefont post, is there a newer version I'm not aware of?

    edit: nevermind I think I figured it out..hold on

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  • I was looking around the spritefont plugin topic and learned how to single out a word in a string and change its color. I used the method Lucid suggested and ended up with this:


    -Write Text: "You found (" & TreasureBox_Item.value('WhichItem') & ")!"

    +For Each Word In Phrase

    +SpriteFont.currentword = TreasureBox_Item.value('WhichItem')

    -Set Text color filter to Red

    ("Text" is the sprite object I'm using for my font)

    So if the value "WhichItem" is "HeartPiece", then the string should read:

    "You found (HeartPiece)!"

    and "HeartPiece" should be colored red.

    WELL, it doesn't work <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> The only word I can get to change colors is the very first word in the string: "You"

    I tried comparing the current word to "HeartPiece" itself, I tried converting the "WhichItem" value to a string, I tried putting each word in its own set of quote marks, but nothing works!

    Has anyone tried doing this before and/or have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

  • To negate a condition, right click it and select 'invert condition.'

    Altogether it should look something like

    +Mouse is over button

    -Set frame to 2 (assuming that's highlighted)

    +Mouse is NOT over button

    -Set frame to 1 (assuming that's not highlighted)

    The only problem with that is if you highlight one button then move the mouse directly to another instance of the same button then it might not go back to frame 1.

  • Do the exact same thing but negate "Mouse is over button" and change its frame to 1. Tadaaa

  • I just want to know how it's pronounced lol.

    I've been saying "Seer-Uh" kinda like Sierra.

    Is that right? :P

  • To my knowledge you'll have to create/destroy the combobox as you work; there's no way to unfocus it.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Little bit o Zelda..Little bit o Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest..little bit o Castlevania, a pinch of Hydra Castle Labyrinth, and Crono's hair :)

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