Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • I think the color you used for the logo would look nice for a background.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Looks so much nicer, and makes the dithering more noticeable ^^;

  • All I really miss is the "recent posts" section that used to be on the main page. Any way that could be re-implemented?

  • I just tried changing my avatar but there doesn't seem to be any option for it. Do I need a certain about of rep points orrr? Also, I guess I accidentally used one of my old emails for account verification. I tried to change it to my current one but I have yet to receive a verification email..

  • I made a 2-player Mario Battle engine the old arcade Mario game or w/e..or the battle mode in Mario 3.

    It's definitely possible but is quite a bit of work if you don't take advantage of families and such.

  • How could I have it so the HUD doesn't rotate as well? (Rotate camera without rotating HUD?)

    I would love to know how to do that!

    You'd have to rotate the other layers individually using system > layers > set layer angle

  • Your walking and jumping animations are trying to play at the same time because you aren't properly checking if your player is on the ground or not. Adding sub-events with no actions doesn't help anything..

    You want to change them to something like

    +Player is on ground

    (sub event) Player is Walking : Set animation to walking

    (sub event) Player is NOT Walking : Set animation to Standing/Idle/Whatever

    +Player is NOT on ground

    (sub event) Player is Jumping : Set animation to Jumping

    (sub event) Player is Falling : Set animation to Falling

  • Click on the plasma object, go to it's properties, click edit source, and delete the "cloud."

    I don't really know why it's there in the first place..I've deleted it every time lol.

  • Kinda the same concept.

    +on "tap" pressed

    (sub event) +value "tap timer" is lower or equal to 0

    -set value "tap timer" to 30

    (sub event) +value "tap timer" is greater than 0

    -add your double tap actions here

    +value "tap timer" is greater than 0

    -subtract 60*timedelta from value "tap timer"

    ...or something like that.

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  • Strange. Seems to be working fine over here; nothing happens if I click around the player, only directly on it.

  • I know for sure groups don't stop events from working on my end, even groups within groups. There might be a problem with your install or your event logic

    This. I use many event sheet includes as well and have never had any problems with em.

  • Uhh not in Construct 2.

  • Sounds like you have other animations that are interfering. I can't say for sure since there's no .cap, but make sure your 'on ground animations' are in a sub-event that checks if the player is on the ground..same for in the air.

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Member since 6 Jun, 2010

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