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    I'm going to finish this one, I promise!

  • If I ever make a game with an old wise man I'll be sure to name him Tulamide ;)

    Not that you've got a long grey beard and wear a cloak or anything...right? :P

    Anyhow.. Thanks! I remember reading about mod() back when I used MMF but I never really looked into it. The more you know..

    Thanks for your suggestion too, Nifl. I'd go with that but mod seems a bit simpler :)

  • Say I start a loop that spawns 12 objects and sets their x positions to the loop index*8, and sets each one's .value('ID') to the current loop index.

    This will create a horizontal row of 12 objects and each will have an ID; 1 at the far left and 12 at the far right.

    Well, instead of a purely horizontal row, I want the objects to zig-zag. I thought I could do this by figuring out which objects have an even-number ID, and which objects have an odd-number ID, then reposition their hotspots to create this 'zigzag'.

    But do I tell if the ID is an odd number or even number?

    I could just have 12 events comparing the IDs and telling each individual object to be higher or lower, but that sucks. I'd like to do this in one or two events if possible! Any ideas?

  • I was adding some new enemies to my enemy spawning group by copy pasting an old enemy spawning event, then changing the objects to the new enemy.

    Well, apparently this is a bad idea because every time I tried to load that enemy the game would crash. After trying a few things I decided to redo its spawning events from scratch, and suddenly it works.

    This has happened before in the past. Even if the (copy/pasted/edited) event is perfect, it won't work or will crash the game. Re-writing it from scratch in the exact same way fixes it.

    Any chance this can be looked into or is it another thing we'll have to live with? :<

  • Nice example there, but that part I have figured out, what I can't figure out is how to blend the tiles when there are many light sources.

    Here ya go

    Just needed to add one more condition!

    Also I recommend NOT using nuovofill or any pixel shaders for something like this; it can really slow your game down. You said something about color filters earlier, best just stick with that!

    edit: actually animmaniac's example might be what you're looking for..the lights 'combine' becoming a lot stronger, where as mine just 'blends' the lights.

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    Download the second example (Doppel's)

    Is that what you're trying to do?

  • Pretty much the exact same way..


    -set scrollx to player.x/160*160+80

    -set scrolly to player.y/120*120+60

    "whats maximum width & height in layout?"

    Probably a lot bigger than anyone will need!

  • If it can be done in CC it can be done in C2. (Well, eventually)

  • Sounds like you have conflicting events or something.

    And yes there is a bug where setting an animation will not begin the animation at frame 1, but instead the same frame as the previous animation (more likely with animations that have the same amount of frames). I fix that by adding a trigger once sub-event that sets the frame to 1 and resumes the animation, as you've done.

    Since that fixes it..what's the problem? ^^;

  • If there's a simpler way then please do tell me.If not would using pv more manageable than the other ways? Or am I understanding this all wrong and infact hash tables and arrays are nothing like pv (I know arrays are different).

    PVs on an unrelated object or global values would definitely be the easiest way to go. If all you're doing is comparing miscellaneous values then there's no need for arrays or hash tables; they're for more complicated stuff.

    For instance, arrays are basically a checkerboard (with added z dimensions if you want, making it a cube) where each square can contain a value - integer, float, string, container, what have you. If you want to write or retrieve a value from an array you have to figure out the x,y,z coordinates of the 'square' you want.

    Hash tables are similar but use "keys" instead of coordinates.

    Both are capable of being saved to a file, loaded from a file, looped through, and so on.

    (The wiki probably explains this better ^^;)

    As such, they would just make what you're trying to do unnecessarily complicated.

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