Say I start a loop that spawns 12 objects and sets their x positions to the loop index*8, and sets each one's .value('ID') to the current loop index.
This will create a horizontal row of 12 objects and each will have an ID; 1 at the far left and 12 at the far right.
Well, instead of a purely horizontal row, I want the objects to zig-zag. I thought I could do this by figuring out which objects have an even-number ID, and which objects have an odd-number ID, then reposition their hotspots to create this 'zigzag'.
But do I tell if the ID is an odd number or even number?
I could just have 12 events comparing the IDs and telling each individual object to be higher or lower, but that ****** I'd like to do this in one or two events if possible! Any ideas?