Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • I think tools in the image editor is 500x more important than families right now O_o;

    Sitting around, bored, I decided to make a single-level Super Mario game to mess around with C2...then I realized these giant spritesheets are useless.

    What good are families and practically everything else on the poll if you can't even cut up sprite sheets yet?

  • Minecraft music and the like :) It's very calming and doesn't distract me while I work. Also, coffee. Redbull makes me work so fast I don't even know what the hell I'm doing.

  • Any more suggestions? Critics?

    I think it would be a lot easier to change directions by holding Z instead of X. Basically you'd have to let go of Z while jumping, then press it again + a direction to switch. Maybe the current setup would be easier with a controller..I just found it to be difficult.

    My only other complaint is the collision mask for the player seems too big.

    1)If you try switching gravity to upwards while standing almost an entire tile away from a red block to your left or right, the gravity switch will be canceled as if you touched it. Is there some 'bubble' I'm not aware of that cancels the gravity switch if you're near red blocks?

    2)There was a part in (I think it was level 3, at the top left) where you had to jump over red blocks and land on the normal blocks in-between them. I found this to be extremely difficult as you have to land precisely in the center of the normal block or else you'll fall. Maybe ground-pounding or w/e would have helped there..

    Aside from that this game is beautiful and has a lot of potential :) I'm anxious to see the level editor!

  • -Minecraft (getting really boring)

    -Spiral Knights ( Love it but the devs are super greedy. Anyone notice how f2p games are the most expensive?)

    -My own incomplete games (sigh)

    -Donkey Kong Country Returns (Awesome at first, now very repetitive and boring)

    -La-Mulana (Best game I've played in 10 years)

  • There's a bitmap font EXAMPLE that I think R0jo made a while back (for CC & C2) and then there's the spritefont plugin. I don't believe a "bitmap font plugin" exists, which is why you couldn't find it.

  • BG doesn't disappear here..

    Also an .exe doesn't really help. Can you reproduce the bug in another .cap?

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  • "Word Wrap" & "Confine text to bounding box" are some settings that come to mind.

  • I would think one's reputation would be a better judge of character (granted it rises by simply posting on the forums...)

    The badge is just incentive to purchase C2 I guess. People love their shiny digital trinkets.

  • -The ability to rotate and flip tiles horizontally & vertically.

    -The ability to select multiple tiles by drawing over the tileset (not using a crappy box you can resize) and being able to rotate the "tile group" as a whole (like tetris pieces) or in this video:

    -The ability to highlight and move groups of tiles.

    -Optional large grid to show the size of one 'screen' in your game.

    -Tile preview

    -Keeping "Tile Groups" as individual tiles, so if you select a group from the tileset, then place them on the grid, you can erase each tile individually. Some editors don't do that..

  • It doesn't maintain aspect ratio (stretches pixels) and to my knowledge only works properly with larger resolutions. Also I don't think you can adjust the display res in normal fullscreen. Plus it often crashes Construct...and I'm pretty sure a number of the aforementioned problems still arise.

  • -Layers with 0% scroll rates don't work (That's a massive one. You have to place all your HUD, Pause Menu, and the like manually with events. I've resorted to using a lot of loops and IDs)

    -You need to use the GUI origin Ashley made well, or make your own, because positioning the HUD and stuff is different in windowed and fullscreen.

    -If your game is time-based then, when zoomed in, everything will appear to move by fractions of a pixel. The only way to get around that is to give each moving object an invisible "base", then set the objects position to round(base.x),round(base.y) I said screw it, and hope nobody notices.

    -Magicam won't work in fullscreen

    -"Object is on-screen" doesn't work.

    -Scrollx=0, Scrolly=0 is not the top left of the layout.

    -Plasma object doesn't work.

    -Fontsprite characters get distorted at different zoom levels

    -Text objects are blurry and look horrible when zoomed in

    -You can't set the fontsprite's position, so you'll have to attach it to an object. It still shakes sometimes.

    That's all I can come up with off the top of my head. Have fun!

  • Thank you for the in-depth explanation, Tulamide, but I was totally joking ^^; (Y'know, since nobody uses MIDIs anymore...right?)

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