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  • Wow, looks nice. Keep on!

    Three question:

    1.The stone enemy. Is it a plattformer?

    2. How did you made the diamond dissolve at the end? Looks very fluid.

    3.What is the resultion of the project?

    1. Does it use the platform behavior? Yes.

    2. Array...and magic (also known as scaling, IDs, and Timers)

    3. 240x160 - same as the Gameboy Advance. We originally went with 256x224 - same as the SNES, but it was too big. We kept the 224 height for the levels though, so there's sort of an "upper section" which the scrolling locks on to when you go high enough.

  • Thanks guys!


    Strictly canvas. WebGL works OK with this, but it won't let me zoom in without blurring the graphics (point sampling doesn't seem to work) and causing some other problems.

    Yeah I use Chrome with GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D enabled, and FRAPS for recording. It actually runs at a (mostly) smooth 60fps but I think youtube caps it at 30fps.

    About the Bulloom (flower enemy) part.. I just kept doing the spin attack too early! You can jump on that enemy instead, but it's kind of risky as it spits those projectiles straight upwards. It might be a good idea to shrink those gaps a bit though.

    I don't think there's anything I can do about the music looping. It just doesn't loop instantly in C2, and the pause is pretty noticeable. I tried pre-loading the music but it didn't make any difference. The intro is a lot 'softer' than the ending too, but that's only half the problem!

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  • La-Mulana. It's easily the greatest and most elaborate game I've ever played.

    Second would have to be Eternal Daughter. It was the first indie game I ever played and pretty much got me in to this whole mess :)

    The Iconoclasts is definitely next on my list. I'd say more but it's still just a demo, so. Honestly I think it will whoop Cave Story. It was a great game but..come on :P

  • In the meantime, you could just make all the weapons the same object and have a variable to tell them apart.

  • C2 = Klik n' Play? Wow, dude. C2 is completely capable of making "real games." It's just that people would rather experiment with it right now than make full-fledged games because it hasn't even been in development for an entire year yet. People seem to forget that.

  • Hey Braxmule. Would you mind shedding a bit more light on the advertising campaign prize? I'm just a little confused. Fun Chowder is a start-up itself, so by what means will you help promote the winning games? Just curious!

  • You can use .count for this. When creating a new condition, go to System>Compare Two Values> then enter object.count = 0

  • Yeah, just use AppPath & "MusicFolder\MusicFile"

    Make sure the file name is exactly the same, and be sure to include the extension (MusicFile.mp3 or whatever)

  • First, thanks for adding the jump-thru attribute!

    Seems the platform behavior condition "Is On Floor" doesn't work with it though..Unless I'm missing something?

    I edited the example .cap so you can check it out. Download here

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  • Tokinsom

    The color and character make it looks really fun, who don't like a penguin and an ice-cream XD

    May i ask a question: what's the purpose of ice-cream, i just so curious about it :P

    The music sounds very fun, too. What's programming you used for music?

    I thought it would be funny to make the health pick-ups chocolate icecream bars, so Beta turned the life-bar into a giant one. When you get hurt, a bite is taken from it :P

    The green bar is your stamina. You can tap jump while falling to flap your wings and get a boost, or hold up to 'float'. It's pretty ugly though; I'll probably change it to 3 feathers or something.

    The music was made in FL Studio with Tri-Force and Bit Box.

  • Competition is good. But what it means 'Reclamation'? I see in translator and it give me a many variants of translation it word. Can you tell me about it and show examples of this type of games.

    It basically means to get something back. Imagine a game where a bunch of treasure was stolen. You then go on a quest to find the thief and reclaim the treasure.

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