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  • lol the 90's.

  • how did ya do the sprites

    I didn't actually make any of the sprites aside from the particle effects, birds in the background, etc. I just help animate when Jerom or Beta are busy with other stuff.

    I use Graphics Gale though, and Betatronic uses Photoshop. I'm actually not sure what Jerom uses, but he's really good with it!

  • Before you can add mouse conditions and such, you have to add the mouse object to a layout.

    About the Javascript, I'm not sure. I think there's a plugin for that actually. Just do a quick search around the plugins forum for it!

    Here are the differences between the free and paid versions.

  • Well you can always have a 'cursor' or 'pencil' that creates static duplicates of itself every tick / few milliseconds as it moves, creating a "line". You can then use lerp(),qarp(),or cubic() to move the pencil how you want.

    Maybe not the best idea but if you insist on not using plugins there ya go :P

  • Pausing

    Set the time scale to 0 and the game will come to a halt, since game-time is frozen. However, the framerate is not affected, and events continue to run. This can allow you to control a pause-menu or allow other commands to be carried out while the game is paused.

    More on time scaling here.

    Basically, yes, deactivate certain groups when pausing!

  • for example

    Is this even within the realm of C2, hypothetically?

    I'd say so. It's stuff like this you want to watch out for.

  • 1)Yeah the fullscreen seems to be a work in progress but I can't say. You can always use your browser's zoom to get a bigger window though. This may make the graphics blurry, but if you use Chrome you can go to chrome://flags and enable "GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D" which keeps graphics from blurring, among other things.

    2)The game I'm working on uses large images, 4 parallaxing layers, lots of little objects, and a fair amount of particle effects but there's no slowdown yet! I don't think you'll have any problems there.

    You may want to find a better browser for gaming; FF isn't very good imo. Maybe Chrome or Opera?

  • Kyatric He means he wants to change what the initial settings are when starting a new project, not change them via the properties panel.

    I honestly don't see why this is necessary though. Yeah it would be kind of nice but it takes 10 seconds to change the settings via the properties panel.

    "Imagine each time you start using your browser you had to manually set your favorites... "

    I don't see how that relates. You only have to change the properties ONCE when you start your project. It's more like setting your browser options.

  • +Every Tick

    -Set Tile.x to int(mouse.x/16)*16

    -Set Tile.y to int(mouse.y/16)*16

  • .

  • i love how the little penguin farts keep him alive from plat to plat.

    Lol he's not farting; it's just some particles to make the wing-flap look a little better. Maybe I should change them to feathers..

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks Ash!

    Thanks for your suggestion too, PixelRebirth. This works pretty well but the player now thinks he's on the floor when overlapping the platform at any point, not just on the top.

    Like if I'm jumping/falling and overlapping the platform at any point, the running animation will be played instead.

    It's close but I think there needs to be another bit of code added somewhere!

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