yfchild2's Recent Forum Activity

    "i saw this video called "how rayman legends made" and at 8th minute this guy make use of a plugin called ferr2d (plugin in unity) so if i want something new for c3 besides working normal maps and better lighting system is this that ferr2d does. to achieve different variations of sprites (mostly ground/sprites) is really cool with just a press of mouse button"

    = very cool plugin (thx) and the editor level who see in video (9th minutes/10th minutes) = it´s very impressive. Look how change the bridge, put new elements.


    C3= Sorry Team Scirra, I wrote in past : I can´t understand you. I try and respect you decision but It´s time to share more information, something for yours users, customers, people of the world Forget competitor (Buildbox 3.0= 2018), Sparks-tools this year... (but seem stand-by since a long time...), or update other games engines. If Scirra´s philosofy is diferent, don´t afraid show the advance development. I think you must be change your strategic comunication with C3. I´m sure your tired read the same posts from a lot of people. But if you have a lot of people ask you that, I think, you must be a little effort. It´s like Rolling Stones!!!! At final, we applaud like crazy people for they come back to stage to listen 2/3/4 more songs... And they come back, they listen people, the fans.... SCIRRA LIKE THE ROLLING STONE MUST BE THE SAME:LISTEN THEM!!!!!

  • Thanks to answer. And with offline dictionnary¿? Is posible¿? Can you tell me something or know tutorial for word games like i comment with construct2.

  • a) Is posible connect to api of wordreference?


    and have 5 random words with definition for tipical word game

    b) What the best way (how make a call for have 5 words random when player push a button?) for make a word game with data dictionnary? 1/ With a api? 2/With offline dictionnary and put it in a server (for futures updates)

    c) If the best way is with a api, where we can find best dictionnary api (eng-fr-es) for a game.

    If you have made something like that, can explain your adventures, how you did it, share a basic example. Thanks a lot.

  • I put this action for player event (Touch>Is in Touch)

    a) move forward player.LinearSpd pixels

    b )rotate player.RotationSpd degrees toward( Touch.X, Touch.Y)

    with instance variable player LinearSpd=3

    with instance variable player RotationSpd=6

    Player move fine, but like i try explain, he over cross the solid object when I move it, when I release button mouse, the player doen´t cross this solid object (Simple rectangles), It´s very strange. Seem player doesn´t recognize when I move it the solid objects.

    Thanks a lot.

  • I don ´t understand what happen :

    For my test, I´ve a simple layout with 5/7 objects (simples rectangles 120 width 25 height) and put them in a family with behaviors (solid and physics), I select immovable yes and colisions enabled yes and my player is a circle with behavior physics. Very simple.

    And I put a event Touch with "Is a touch" and action for move my player. The player move fine. All correct. I can go up, down, left, right.

    But when the event touch is true the player cross over the rectangles (he doesn´t respect they are solid objects) .

    When I release button mouse, the player can´t cross the rectangles, physics work, and he respect again condition of object solid.

    Seem the player doen´t recognize the solid object(rectangles) when I push my mouse button for active the event, because when I release again the button, The player respect all the "solid" rectangles and I can´t cross over them.

    Why? Thanks.

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    Scirra Team. I think you must be share a capture of main screen of C3 or something like that. We are waiting since a long time, and i think for respect customers or your comunity, it´s time show something. I understand you and you don´t show a lot of for buildbox, spark etc. but I think you can choose yours captures, editing them and put something for ours eyes without it´s dangerous for your develop engine. thanks

    Hi Ashley,

    Hope you can mix all the good C2 in C3 with some features from Buildbox 2.0, like logic items (and we can create more and have them in library) or action library, the node editor, and have a look to sparktools (is interesting): would have a big dinamite in hands!

    When Scirra could say us something? Please give some information... Buildbox 2.0 is out.. sparttools is here in next months..... clickteam move..... I think is time tell yours custommers something. Thanks

  • Yesterday, I use for have diferente Speed for enemy, this way:

    I create a variable "Speed" for enemy object and when ennemy collision with a special invisible objet (a simple rectangle sprite) = action = enemy set Speed to choose(80,120,160,240)

    you can have many numbers like you want and you can create a function for that and call it when you need.

  • Ashley and Tom when you post news from Construct 3¿? Something please in official web page or a special post.. Christmas is here... please tell us something. Thanks

  • I use this in objet that need fade opacity : Self.Opacity-(100*dt) and after un wait system 0.3 and destroy object. Is cool when player kill enemy and work very prerry.

  • thanks you. It ´s what i need (it ´s logical when i see it (your event sheeet) but can do it myself yet hope one day, yes i will:) )

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Member since 9 Apr, 2015

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