I don ´t understand what happen :
For my test, I´ve a simple layout with 5/7 objects (simples rectangles 120 width 25 height) and put them in a family with behaviors (solid and physics), I select immovable yes and colisions enabled yes and my player is a circle with behavior physics. Very simple.
And I put a event Touch with "Is a touch" and action for move my player. The player move fine. All correct. I can go up, down, left, right.
But when the event touch is true the player cross over the rectangles (he doesn´t respect they are solid objects) .
When I release button mouse, the player can´t cross the rectangles, physics work, and he respect again condition of object solid.
Seem the player doen´t recognize the solid object(rectangles) when I push my mouse button for active the event, because when I release again the button, The player respect all the "solid" rectangles and I can´t cross over them.
Why? Thanks.