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  • sorry. I try explain better .

    1) I want the player can rotate a sprite each time is click with left button mouse... a few degrees every time for rotate 360º the object/sprite if he want.

    2)The rotate object is a same simple sprite. Is for that, I must detect the UIDobject for informate the system wich object must be rotate. I detect the UIDobject whith the variable UidBar. This part is working.

    En resume, i want a loop in left mouse button that can rotate each click the sprite/object select for UID.



  • Ok. i do like that but want repeat for every click. I´m confuse... for create loop

    I try for each or while but i did it wrong always time have a bug. Thanks

  • Hi,

    How it´s possible every time left button is pressed and rotate X degrees a objet uid (it´s the same sprite that repeat 3/4/5/6 twices?)


  • Thank. I want use force 2 at angle 270... the problem if you play with the ball... after some rebounds the ball cross over the bar ? is this my problem... i don ´t why the ball go through the horizontal bar

  • please and please someone can see the last file i propose for explainme why happen this?. Thx

  • xxxxxx.dimetuplan(dot)com/reboundnew.capx

    i put this current example. Thanks,

  • Someone can help me for i can play with construct this week-end?

  • i attach the test file. Someone can tell something. since 2 days i try to resolve this.... after play some rebounds... the ball cross the horizontal bar.. is fine 5/6/8 times and 1 moment the ball seem don´t react with the bar and cross it. thanks

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  • Test ball rebound but when we play a few time to rebound it with a simple bar with drag drop beahvior, the ball cross my horizontal bar and fall. I don´t want the ball cross the bar want the player can do infinite loop rebound with the horizontal bar.


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Member since 9 Apr, 2015

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