Hi, I made a simpler example, maybe I didn't explain myself too well,
I'm not trying to achieve a better performance in this particular example, I know the best practices in game design.
I just want to figure out if when the layer angle is 45, it's not supposed that the performance should be equal than when the layer angle is 0.
I deleted the background tile just to make the things simpler.
Test the default capx in iPad2-see the results.
Then resize the WallTile to 4x4 in the image editor, and test it again.
What I'm seeing is when the WallTile is 64x64 the performance is good in all angles, but when WallTile is 4x4 ,the performance is good in angle 0, but very poor at layer angle 45.
I'm just asking if it should be good at both angles or not.