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  • Hi, I got a new laptop and it has dual graphics intel integrated and also an nvidia 640m. The laptop switches what graphics processor to use on demand or I can optionally configure specific apps.

    When running my game through Chrome and on the dedicated card my game runs smooth. But when I try and run it through Awesonium it looks as if it is not using WebGL and the framerates plummet. This is even after configuring the app to use dedicated graphics. Very strange. Anyone else having this problem?

  • Nvidia and the latest ones from the site non-beta

  • I work in the games industry as a sound designer, I go into an office and work on games to pay the bills. In my spare time I make games using Construct and I hope to be able to make something good enough to sell one day, but I'm not factoring that into they way I approach game development. I don't want the games I make outside of my day job to be influenced by the idea of making money.

    Having said that I think it's for sure possible to earn a full living from making games using Construct but it either takes an absolutely excellent game or very smartly targeted and focused game to make the money. Both of which I'm sure anyone can pull off given enough time and inspiration.

  • I am experiencing this too, in my project particles will either show or not, very strange.

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  • Yeah that's what I'm after, I'm just wondering if the intel graphics are so bad it's not even worth playing construct games on it at all.

  • I have a circle and I want its height and width to "flattern" based on how fast the circle is moving (physics force).

    Any ideas?



  • That's good to know.

    I want something that is a bit rubbish, basically trying to find a typical low-spec machine for the average person.

  • My work PC is very powerful so I have no gauge on how well my game performs on low-spec machines.

    I'm thinking of getting a cheap dual core laptop with integrated intel graphics. Is this too sh*t to test with? Or should something like this

    Handle Construct 2 games? I know it depends on how complex the game is.

  • It's tricky man, I've never tried it, sound too complicated for me haha. I guess you'd put a bunch of logic sensors and set up a bunch of variables like jump, stop, turn etc and tell the AI to either stop, jump, turn or whatever whenever they pass over the sensors.

    There's a bunch of examples in the forums, do some digging and you'll find it. Even in the arcade I think there's an example.

  • Well done man, graphics are really nice, excellent to see the tech behind World of Goo can be so competently replicated in Construct

  • It's awesome you made this, it is to be celebrated. I've a couple of first impressions:

    The visuals are trying to be too complex, to really pull off this style at this level of detail I think you'll need some really good artists. Maybe try for your next game to find a more simple, pleasing style which can look pro even though the level of detail is less. A recent game to do this well is Thomas Was Alone which you can find on Steam.

    It looks like a Mario clone, there's so many of these. I'm making a platformer and I'm trying to be as far away from Mario as possible just to force myself so find interesting design solutions to gameplay. I've spent a lot of time looking at Knytt Stories, Sound Shapes, Stealth Bastard and a whole bunch of others to find a new language for platformer design which is more contempoary than what we had in the 8 / 16 bit era.

  • That is close man thanks, instead of destroying though, I want the sprites to move back to their origional position.

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