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  • Thank you, that cleared a lot of things up - Yeah game looks fun I look forward to playing it, drop me an E-Mail when it's out to - and I'll feature a review or mention it on my sites homepage.

  • That's cool man. Is the game loading the next level as you climb the ladder? How are you doing that? I'd actually quite like to know how people handle entering different levels/rooms in a level, because I just create different layouts for every room but I've always suspected that's not the most efficient way of handling large games.

  • Fantastic, cheers.

    Have your sound play when the frame matching contact with the ground is played. So if in your animation, frame 6 is where your characters foot would hit the ground, play the sound on frame 6.

    For randomization, you can use a private variable and use Random(x), with x being the number of sounds you have. Then make an event for each possible variable, and play a different sound.

  • Hello, I'm building sound design for my game and am trying to get my character to generate footsteps. I have a bunch of 'stepping' sounds but am not sure how to sync them to my characters feet, or even how to make the system randomly pick a sound from a bank of about 10 footstep samples.

    Any help would be welcome

  • if you're doing timers with events do NOT use ticks, DO use timedelta!

    This will ensure your grenades always take the same to detonate, no matter what computer the game is running in.


    CEAT: Coalition for the Ethical Advancement of Timedelta

    Yeah I'm getting into Timedelta stuff now I've used it before for regenerating ammo, works well.

  • saving is complicated and there are a ton of ways to do it, arrays, ini, files check them out.

    for the grenade thing, remember you dont have to be counting down, you can simply add to a variable every 5 ticks and when its >/= "greater or equal" to whatever amount you want do all your stuff.

    AHHHHH of course greater or equal I totally didn't think of that...obviously, thanks for the help. I'll look into .ini files thanks for the tip.

    Timer is a behavior, so you can add a timer behavior to an object if you want a timer. Then you can control it from events, you can activate it and set it to repeat itself and do whatever you want when it "ticks" by using the event "on Timer".

    I can't help you with the other ones becuase I'm new too

    Thanks, I did look at that object but couldn't seem to do much with it, I'll explore it more.

  • Hi guys,

    I am working on a project and can do most what I want to achieve but there are some basics I can't quite figure out.

    First one is Grenades, How do you set a timer to an object so that once you spawn an object you start subtracting 1 every 5 ticks in a private variable, so that when it reaches zero I can tell it to destroy and do other stuff?

    Second one is save states, so I'm making a largish game and I have multiple layouts for different levels, but say I have a house and each room is a layout, I want to go in one room and kill everything but when I leave and enter the room again I want them to remain dead.

    Third one is similar, I exit one layout but when I re-enter the previous the player is at the beginning, I want the player to be where I exited the first layout originally.

    Any guidance would be sah-weeet!



  • Great vid and game! I noticed the weird errors with jumping, caused me to die several times. I tried shooting at the big blob at the end several times, then decided it was safe to run past him. oops!! It's a funny bug where you can still run around and shoot invisible. Nice for a 4 hour.

    Haha cheers, yeah there's a funny bug where the guy (affectionately named Mega-Gimp) has the worst animation where he naturally hops in the air and if you try to jump mid-hop then you can't lol, we ran out of time so couldn't fix it.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey, I'm in that video

    Cool vid, man. Really interesting to see the whole process go whizzing by like that. Oh, and we used to have regular 1-hour compos here once a week, but people seemed to get burned out on them... maybe because it's so stressful on the system . Perhaps we should extend the limit to 2 hours and have them once a month or something...

    lol you are in the video? haha I had a break by checking out stuff on the forum and played around with someones animation from the tech help category, couldn't solve the issue then went back to the game lol was that your game?

  • <img src="">

    I recently made an article about Constuct showing what you can do in just 4 hours. The point wasn't to show how ?easy? programs such as Construct can be, but to show how intuitive and design-led they are.

    Anyway the article shows a superfast time-lapse of the session with a download link of the atrocity which was created from it. click the link to check it out.


  • Looks cool, interesting idea for a competition

    Thanks Ashley!

  • can I participate if I'm not in neither USA or Canada? or the UK? or Europe?

    What if I'm not on the map?


    LOL Yes aliens are welcome! As far as prize goes, just so long as paypal is acceptable in your region would be fine - if not, if you win we'll arrange another prize for you, maybe a Steam gift or something, whatever you want within the ?35 UK money price range.

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