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  • CrudeMik, i am really loving the art style you have there! Its just so... clean and refreshing somehow.

    Thanks man, all the art is very place-holder at the moment, I suck at art so kept it simple but I do like the style. Thanks go to Shviller for his Outline Occluded effect. But I think I'll stick to the style or see what my Graphic Designer says lol.

    Got a little video of this level up here:

  • Agilis

    <img src="">

  • Hey there, pretty new in this scene here. I was just looking for some game you've probably made to make a music-driven version of it. Sort of like Audiosurf or something.

    The basic thing is that the game should be allowing .mp3 files on the player's system that he may choose, and depending on the beats, the game should spawn more or less monsters.


    I've thought about this a lot and have used Construct for a year, my conclusion is that it's probably very difficult. You'd have to write a new plugin which analyses the dynamic master volume (or channel volume) and outputs it as numerical number say 0-100 - but then you'll also need a waveform analyser to determine the BPM and different/dominant frequencies of the music. And you'd also have to balance the (not so) randomly generated game so that a track which is fast and bass heavy is very different to a track which is slow and hi-end. Not so hard for a programmer but tough to do in Construct, and dare I say impossible to do in Construct without your own custom plugin.

  • Mac support would be nice but - Xbox360 support would be something else, would make Construct super popular.

    Another side request I thought of is being able to tweak things during runtime, stuff like jump strength in the platform behaviour.

    My biggest thing is audio support though - easy functions for fading/cross-fading sounds, Doppler effects and being able to attach the sine behaviour to the volume of a sound.

  • Got up to level 15 - no crashes, seemed to run fine.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • So I have this game set up, I am going to have 12 levels in total for it and each level will be selectable from the title screen in the form of numbers. I want it so that when the player completes a level the corresponding number to that level on the title screen is highlighted, indicating completion of the level. But I also want that when the player completes the level 100% (finding all the collectables) the number on the title screen is highlighted in a different colour.

    So I want to put this system in so that when the player comes back to the game after quitting, from the title screen he can see the levels he has completed, 100% completed and also not completed. But I have totally no idea how to do this. Does anyone have any advice or anywhere you can direct me to which could solve this?

    Much thanks,


  • Don't bother putting any adds here,The people will never answer here ,In fact theyll only criticise you.Go to a real gamedev site if you need a programmer etc... . Heres a great site i found

    lol Cheers

  • Hello, I?m a sound designer and I?m currently working on an project with a graphic designer. The game is starting to come together quite well now but programming isn?t our primary skill in game design, because in many ways we?re both learning as we go - progress is hampered quite a bit by unnecessary roadblocks and obstacles due to our inexperience in programming.

    We?re currently looking for a talented programmer to help us out, the game we?re working on is called Orbit and it?s a Sci-Fi platformer with some ?in space? sections. Here?s some screenshots:

    We?re looking for a third team-mate who is obviously talented but who also likes the game we?re working on and its influences, most notably; 2001 A Space Odyssey and Brian Eno We?d love to be able to spend more time focusing on our art, audio and level design and with the help of a like-minded programmer I?m sure Orbit will turn out to be a cracking game. We?ve also got another couple of game projects on the backburner too, so if you want to know any more information drop me a line at

    Here's a couple of screenies.

    Full size links:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • Hey - Just a quick one,

    I've got a rope made of physics objects hinged to each other, I got it so when my player collides with the rope he (who is also physics) hinges to it, from there I can add an x force on a button hold to swing. But how do I jump off? How would you release something from its hinge?



  • Linkmans IK solver saved the day it was about having two events, when he's looking left he has an Outward bend, and we mirror the sprites - and when he's looking right his bend is inward.

    An inward bender...sorry.


  • set the height of the sprites to a negative number at the time when they're messing up, and back to a positive when they're in the "non-messed up orientation", it'll flip the arms vertically, fixing the problem i suspect. didn't try it since i cant open your cap for wtv reason, but see if it works.

    I'm not sure that's the problem, here's an image of what's happening:

    <img src="">

    So when facing right the two arm sprites are bending correctly, facing left they bend out the other way, the images are also flipped but your solution fixes that.

    lol, the game looks better than that drawing

  • Man Vector graphics in Construct would be sweet - my buddy draws his images in Illustrator for Construct, I love the vector 'look' though when we import in the images we can't scale them very well.

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