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  • It looks more complicated than events / scripting to me. Course that could be entirely different -in practice- cause even node/flowchart setups are complicated if you've never seen or used one before.

    How about.. wizards, you know, those things that hold your hand every step. Wouldn't that work as a middle ground and keep everyone happy? It would also mean not changing much at all, so those wanting to learn events or scripting can continue to, but with the added help of more informative steps to help them, cause any language is easy to learn if you've got the proper documentation and help at hand. While others who already know and understand it, can switch the wizard off.

    Basically, exactly the same way it is now, but with more information on what that particular step does. So not really a wizard either, just more info given.


    Or failing that, go with the node based setup after all, but do it backwards like Lightwave's textures and XSI's render tree. Where you've got your base node (in constructs case, this would be things like 'Always' and 'Start of Layout' and anything that begins an event, collisions etc.) then adding other nodes to them as normal.

    Now at the same time as that, you've got two columns, practically like you have now, and just move events up and down in the order, add sub events (which I admit could be more clear) and so on. Each node can have a help text attached, or linked to specific wiki pages. (Because clear documentation is the key really).

    Each possible event could be represented as a node. So visually it would be much clearer if a node required more than one input to work.

    As for keeping it clean, just have a + and - icon for expanding each event. So everything could be put away and kept nice and tidy. And also allow the option of displaying it in the current event method (since the above wouldn't be that different on the inside).

    I know, I know. I posted a pic the other week complaining about these node things being a headache when they get complicated, but I admit in hindsight I was being unfair and did use Massive (which will always look complicated lol), but Lightwave or XSI do have much nicer node layouts.

  • So suddenly for no apparent reason, John Carmack decided that instead of making games about Billy Blaze as Commander Keen, he was going to be a musician rather than a programmer, because musicians always get the chicks and he didn't want to be a Virgin all his life, thus Wolfenstein was ultimately never made, in fact id never existed, neither did Valve or Epic or Bethesda because of that. 3dfx made scientific Calculators instead of the Voodoo boards, nVidia decided to make skin cream for women. 3D games never became the things they are today, computers didn't advance as quickly because there was no no need to and games are still made by small companies of one or two people. Licenses are given out like Ice Cream on a hot day and the Movie industry don't see video games as a worthwhile investment.

    So you're a games designer in this alternative world - here's what you do. Pick a modern movie or TV show, and "create" a tie-in game of it, in the retro style, like tie-ins used to be before the movie industry realized the money that could be made from them and everything became impersonal and expensive.

    By "create" I don't mean go off and actually make the games. I mean just describe it in your post, it's style, it's selling point, how it would play out. Imagine you're bidding for the rights to make your tie-in and have to impress the license holders, in a world where Amiga, Atari, Sega Megadrive, SNES, Arcade machines and still a few Spectrum and C64's are commonplace and PC's are still DOS with basic color graphics.

    You can pick any movie or show (even if it's had a tie-in made recently or long ago), but YOUR tie-in has to be in the retro style, and if it's already been done before, it should be different obviously.

    By retro, whatever can be done with construct but taking into account the limitations of past systems. Imagine your game is being made to run on 8bit, 16bit or early 32bit systems and adjust accordingly. You can be funny or serious, come up with the game or write a made up magazine review of it, make it really good, or utterly horrible (like most were, so that would be authentic!). The only limit, is old technology!

    A few points to consider

    • Lower resolutions.
    • Your game is probably distributed via tape, cartridge or floppy disk.
    • Most tie-ins were never all that accurate *cough* alien 3 *cough*, so feel free to follow the source storyline like a drunk follows a white line.

    I dunno, I think it would be fun to see the kind of games folk can come up with for modern day movies and TV shows, but in the old style.

    A mention about 3D. The 3D games back then were very slow, hard strict limits on what could be done, were mostly primitives, had no textures, and for the most part were often just vectors and no filled polygons at all! The build engine didn't yet exist, and in this alternate reality never would, as Wolfenstein is never made (except as a song three years later when Carmack forms a band called The Binaries with John Romero because he felt Romero's hair was "perfect for his bands rock image"). So if you insist on 3D, bare that in mind. Most "3D" games of the era were the tiled movement ones such as Dungeon Master, Hired Guns, or the sprite based driving type games like Outrun, with only a few daring to use real 3D.

    Note #1 And yes I'm aware this alternative world is flawed and many of the modern movies wouldn't exist without advances in technology, but honestly if you're going to get **** about that, you've bigger things to worry about in your life than this thread.

    Note #2 Yes I know Carmack is married, so don't bother nitpicking that either

    Ok, have fun!

  • Or using Krush' suggestion, but a mosaic effect instead, gradually growing larger and larger then back again. I dunno, it's a fun effect, very retro

  • > The reason I use those RedSprites is because I don't want Megaman to slide in every wall, just on some (like the original game).


    > Anyway, I will check the thing of the timer, thanks for the answers. You've been very helpfully =)

    > Thanks,

    > Carlos.


    Really? He can only slide on some of the wall but not all of them? That's weird... I don't remember any such restriction. Of course, it's been a long while since I played those games.

    Seems odd to me that if you have wall sliding, you wouldn't just allow the player to slide on whatever wall they wanted to. But hey, whatever

    Rocky walls, irregular looking walls, walls covered in ACME self sticking none stick surfacing.

    I never played Mega-man, lol.

  • Very helpful, nice one!

    The million mega-man games being made will appreciate it

    Seriously though, I can see it being very useful. We could use a sticky with nothing but the most useful caps in for different things, would be very helpful to many.

  • >

    > > I have 2 Sprites, Player and RedBox.

    > > Then I make this event: Sprite overlaps Red Box; then I use Set Text: "Overlapping" (to check if it's working), but it's not. Is there another thing I should check or something?

    > > Thanks,

    > > Carlos.

    > >


    > Works fine for me


    > Download: cap


    > Using latest version. Upgrade to be able to load it correctly.


    It gave me error, and I have the lastest version. Can you show me a screenshot of the events ?

    Bet you've got the latest -stable- version, as in the one on the site (0.99.6), not on the forum (0.99.7).


    + Sprite: Sprite overlaps Sprite2

    -> Text: Set text to "overlapping"

    + Sprite: [negated] Sprite overlaps Sprite2

    -> Text: Set text to "not overlapping"

  • I have 2 Sprites, Player and RedBox.

    Then I make this event: Sprite overlaps Red Box; then I use Set Text: "Overlapping" (to check if it's working), but it's not. Is there another thing I should check or something?



    Works fine for me

    Download: cap

    Using latest version. Upgrade to be able to load it correctly.

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  • [quote:34aortxr]There was no magic going on when da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, just brush strokes on a canvas.

    That's right - and a brilliant and practiced mind. Not much math, I'll wager.

    You folks equate yourselves with the great da Vinci, do you?

    What some of you NEED to use math to create, others do by instinct and experimentation and vision.


    Actually quite a lot of math went on while creating the Mona Lisa. The guy couldn't go down to his local art supplies store and buy the paint he needed, he had to create it by hand, had to find what worked and what didn't, how much of this and how much of that. Then the actual painting, the distances between the eye the nose, the size of the forehead. Guesswork or not, it still involved math to some degree or another, just because he didn't sit down and do a multiplication table before each brush stroke doesn't mean it was all down to pure luck and talent. The greatest artists and creative people who ever lived, used Math in some way. The Golden Ratio comes to mind too, and that is pure math. Course I'm not saying any maths genius can go out and paint the next greatest piece of art, it takes imagination and creativity and natural born talent. But even me, with my hatred of math, happily admit it is a part of everything.

    Math - Key to the universe remember

    But I'm gonna take Madsters advice and "not feed" you. Because it's clear that you truly believe in what you're saying, which is commendable, but I think fundamentally flawed. Yes in a perfect world you could get your wish, and perhaps many years from now, software will behave like that. But for the time being, like it or not, scripting and events is your best bet if you want to avoid something basic.

    Though feel free to prove us all wrong. Here, use this


    or this http://seuck.glbasic.com/

    or this http://hol.abime.net/2353 (there's a bit of scripting involved in this one tho, sorry!)

    these are exactly what you're looking for, hope to see something unique from you soon. Good luck!

  • Hmm, no, see, while I and I imagine everyone else would like more behaviors and objects. What you're asking for is practically a "make me a game" button, and it just isn't that simple.

    [quote:y21tqve8]People who write applications seem to be obsessed with allowing for EVERY possibility to take place, whether or not it ever will NEED to, and that is O.K. Unless you are trying to make a specific application for a specific group of people. In fact, I'll take my observation further: the same sorts of people find it difficult to even make an application for a specific group of people, (what about the ones we are leaving out?). In essence, you guys, (for lack of a better term), write applications for yourselves.

    You're wrong. If Adobe had only produced Photoshop way back at the beginning, just for the use of photo retouching and prevented people like myself from being the earliest ones to use it as an actual painting tool and not just a retouching tool. Then things would be very different now. If the 3D applications only allowed basic primitives "because nobody would need to do anything more complicated than that", things would be very, very different.

    And if Bill Gates had stuck to his "People will never need more than 640k" well.. none of us would be here now having this conversation, we'd be sat in front of DOS attempting to dial up a BBS.

    My point is, not I or you or anyone else can possibly ever put a limit on what can be done with an open application. Just because you haven't thought of it, doesn't mean it can't happen.

    [quote:y21tqve8]I hear, on all the game forums I visit, over and over again the phrase "cookie cutter code" or "cookie cutter behaviours" put forth in a negative manner. I've said it there, and I'll say it here: there is nothing whatsoever wrong with cookie cutter code or behaviours - in fact, the more of them there are, the better OUR world will be.

    Cookie Cutter anything is bad. Just look at the pile of shite that gets churned out of that Poser Application on a daily basis. Everything looks, acts, behaves exactly the same. There's no creativity involved, no thinking outside the box. Just the same old tired model looking off with a blank stare into space and being lit badly while dressed in the same clothes all the other models from everyone else wear.. It's like bad *****

    Cookie Cutter anything - breeds laziness. Yes more objects would be nice, but you do realize that by making an object, behavior, effect or whatever for EVERYTHING that's possible, going to be possible or should be possible. You're pretty much making a scripting language with pictures instead of words. So really in the end you've achieved nothing except a much larger development time, a greater overhead, and a whole new set of problems that are very similar to the old ones.


    You put enough and varied kinds of Lego blocks together and you can make a replica of nearly any kind of manufacturing facility.

    But.. what if I didn't want to use Lego blocks? If everything is already predefined and cookie cutter. Then that limits me creatively. And I can dress it up however I want, but it's still the same Lego blocks you used.

    [quote:y21tqve8]And, you don't need to know a stitch of math to do it - mostly things are put together in these ways by trial and error. Some of the best machines produced during the Industrial Revolution were produced by men with little theoretical or even working knowledge of advanced mathematical principles. Many were farmers, laborers and uneducated men.

    Actually you DO need to know math to do that. You might not realize you're using mathematics, but you are.

    [quote:y21tqve8]And what are games if not just a kind of SEEMINGLY complicated machine. It appears the game is making decisions, but it is not - everything is running according to some sort of predefined process - processes made up of a number of very similar "gates" and junctions and switches. Run them all together and it looks complicated - but everything can be broken down into very elementary functions.

    Well you can say the same about the human brain, at it's essence it's not very complicated at all. But there's a bloody big difference between Manic Miner and the human brain!

    [quote:y21tqve8]I believe I mentioned this application before, but some years ago there existed a 3D interactive "sandbox" called AxelEdge, by MindAvenue. It's approach to "games" was almost entirely visual, and even the "decision making" part of the toolset was visual in nature - 2 and 3 way switches and so forth. It didn't have every tool or component, but the ones it did have allowed for hundreds of thousands of eventualities.

    From a review:

    The mostly scriptless interface makes Axel Edge very easy and flexible to use in terms of building projects. For game developers, however, it's also its biggest drawback. The lack of any user-definable data structures means there are no variables, no dynamic or user-entry text capabilities, and no internal tools to query server-side data. Therefore, common game functions such as scorekeeping can't be accomplished practically with Axel. The built-in sensors and reactions address most of the basic tasks for projects such as an interactive product demonstration, and the basic scripting interface does allow for some customization, but they fall short for creating games of any serious depth.

    [quote:y21tqve8]Incredibly entertaining 3D experiences were being produced without any real physics or "coding" at all. It was great fun to use and a great loss when their company sold out. There were so many things you could make just by connecting things together - like an advanced set of Legos. Realistic springs, hinges, fasteners, rotators could be "physically" connected together to produce interesting and engaging results - and very quickly, indeed.

    You keep mentioning Lego, maybe you'd be happier with those Lego building applications?

    [quote:y21tqve8]If you broke down the number of behaviours and events and processes contained in the best of all the existing "video games", you would find that they all make use of "cookie cutter code", or, at least they could - so similar are the things you see and experience in these games. You can write out the algorithms for these games in simple sentences of plain English. In fact, most of them are very linear in description. There is no magic going on at all.

    Don't really need behaviors at all for them then if they're so simple.

  • Its obvious there's a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed with it, but to be honest, its next to impossible to get a clear understanding of whats going on, especially with dimensions.

    For example, if you just add it without doing anything, the initial frame is set in the image editor at 200 x 200, but when you click ok, it goes to 256 x 256 on the layout... wtf.

    This seems to happen even if you change the size in the editor before hand. Like if I change it to 640 x 480 it goes to 1024 x 480... wut.

    There also seems to be some lines made when drawing to the canvas. They seem to happen in increments of 256 for some reason.

    Does anybody have a better understanding of whats going on?

    Yep same here, only time I can get it to stop misbehaving like that is using it for getting full screen effects like bloom. So doesn't seem to do what you mention if it's grabbing the screen. But then if you apply a layer effect, it causes it to change size again.

    But the good news is Ashley mentioned a few days back that it's fixed in the next version, so YAY!

  • Hahaha ratehr than a make game sim...its becomes a make program that makes games sim

    That would be fun just for the complexities alone in a virtual game of a virtual application in a virtual gameworld designed by virtual people *head explodes* I would soo play it though!

    Start from humble beginnings, having to balance building a usable framework to create popular games while staying ahead of the market and developing new ways to do things. Making deals with hardware manufacturers to have your later engines supported more than the competition, selling the resulting engines for millions, doing conventions, conferences, dealing with the press, hiring and firing staff.

    Oooh, random disasters too, like a disgruntled employee steals the source code, or the parents alliance protests against the amount of violence in your $50 million 4-9yr old educational title. Or early on in the game, before hiring staff, while still working from your bedroom, your mom unplugs your computer to vacuum the room before you could save all your code to tape.

    The UI and people's images could represent the current era the player is in too, yay for the 60's haircuts and brown and yellow flowerchild GUI!

  • I got a runtime error trying to open it.

    What version of construct are you using?

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Lost my Keys

Member since 29 Nov, 2009

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