This makes me think that when people start making REAL money with C2 a different business model may have to be adopted like open sourcing C2 and change the source of revenue for Scirra like paying x$ a year or giving a % game revenue for Scirra etc. Of course this business model is impossible right now but might be viable in the future. I don't really like this idea myself though. Just thinking loud.
In any case Scirra needs more developers. Ash is doing a great work but for what C2 aims to be one dev is just not enough imo. It is now, but it'll surelly not be suficient in the future. I'm worried since Stencyl is way ahead in many things. It wont take too long before they reach the mark of Flash, HTML5, Android, iOS and EXE export. (info taken from site). I don't believe HTML5 for everything is the way to go. I hope i'm wrong.