If you are using IAP a Admob etc you are sharing a lot of data with the vendors, otherwise the services would obviously not work. You share localization data. Diagnostic data. Interactions etc. It is not collected to you. But it is shared with the vendors. The Family program does not mean you are not allowed to share any data, this is a misunderstanding from your side.
tick this:
Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types? Yes
Is all of the user data collected by your app encrypted in transit? Yes
Do you provide a way for users to request that their data is deleted? No
Location > Approximate location
App activity > App interactions
App info and performance > Crash logs, Diagnostics
Why is this user data shared? > Advertising or marketing
You should remove the AD_ID permission, and declare that you do not use AD_ID.
Then you should be fine
Thank you very much! It was heaven sent!
I have some questions, for each category (location, app interactions, performance, etc...)
I have an extra like this:
are those setting correct? collected, shared, not ephemarally, data collection is required and then Advertising or marketing.
Should I have device and other IDs as well?
Also for remove the AD_ID permission, If I remove it, should I be able to add in the manifest the <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>? :/