R0J0hound's Recent Forum Activity

  • Citnarf

    If you simply want to have the time from the start of the application you could use the system expression "Timer", which gives the total elapsed milliseconds. Then to split it up into minutes, seconds and milliseconds, use the following formulas:

    minutes:		floor(Timer / 1000 / 60)
    seconds:		Timer / 1000 % 60
    milliseconds:	Timer % 1000[/code:rjzpz98p]
  • This is what I did:

    Set Application Properties->Eye Distance(3d) to 500.

    Enabled "3d Layering" for the 3d layer.

    For both the 3dbox objects I set the "Rise scale" to 1.

    Set depth of Wall3d to 64.

    Erased front face of Sprite3d.

    On event 2, the actions for setting 'distance', X and Z were adjusted.

  • HackMan128

    Here's a corrected version of David's example that works in 0.99.84:


  • Here's the original forum for David's 3d maze example:


    And here's a tweaked version that works with the latest version of Construct (the numbers needed to be adjusted).

  • You could make a batch file and use commandline tools to do it. There are many different commandline tools you can use.

    This commandline utility looks pretty good:http://www.programmersheaven.com/download/41236/download.aspx

    Example batch file:

    @echo off
    rem seach and replace batch
    set myfile=main.cpp
    ssr 0 "birds" "cows" "%myfile%"
    ssr 0 "foo" "bar" "%myfile%"
    set myfile=
  • There are three instances of the "MouseKeyboad" object. Use the expression "Python("len(MouseKeyboard)")" to see that it's true (it returns 3). The solution is to create a new "MouseKeyboard" object, change all the "MouseKeyboard" events to use the new object and then delete the old object.

    Solution in steps:


      In the Layout editor insert a new Mouse and keyboard object. It's name will default to "MouseKeyboard2".


      Go ahead and make it global, (not really necessary, but it's a good idea).


      Go to the events and for every mouse and keyboard event: double click, hit back twice, select "MouseKeyboard2", click next twice and click finish.


      Now go back to the layout editor, select the old mouse & keyboard object "MouseKeyboard" and hit the delete key.


      Problem solved.
  • It seems to be an issue with setting the position of an object with the physics behavior. But it also seems to affect only the first object that has physics.

    The solution is to create a dummy object with the physics behavior and make it the first object at edittime by sending it to the back.

    Do this:

      Create another sprite to be a dummy object. Give it the physics behavior. Set the physics collision mask to none, so legitimate physics objects won't collide with it. Right click on the object and send it to back.
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here's an example that downloads an image.


  • Ah-ha! Uncheck "enable scripting" under the runtime properties, and that will fix it.

  • Intriguing problem. Here's an example:


    Req. 0.99.84

  • OR doesn't play well with triggers it would seem. As it is, the actions are run only if the conditions before the first OR are true. Put "on step" into a event by itself and put the rest of the conditions as a sub-event and it will work. Alternatively you could make all those objects part of a family and eliminate the need for OR. Your conditions would then look something like this:

    + On Step
    + Bullet overlaps stopfamily
    PS: no need to give me credit, just glad to help.
  • On event 49 change "Else" to "'pistol ammo' greater than 0". It seems that while ELSE works in most cases it doesn't work in that case.

    Only one "playercone" is needed so instead of spawning a "playercone" set it's position to "player1box".

    Change "player1box pick closest to zombiebox.X, .Y" to "zombiebox pick closest to player1box.X, .Y" as we want the closest zombie not the closest player.

    The condition "zombiebox overlaps playercone" needs to be changed to "zombiebox overlaps at offset (0,0) playercone" because otherwise a bullet will be shot at each zombiebox in the playercone.

    Here is a modification of your cap with those fixes and a few more: download

    +Muzzle animation unchecked Loop so it can be destroyed when it's animation is finished.

    +added else event (event 52) so if there are no zombieboxes to shoot, a bullet will just be shot in the same direction as the player.

    +cleaned up events 10-17 so they just set the angle of Player1 and set a global variable "DirectionPressed" to 1 which is previously set to 0 in event 3. "DirectionPressed" is then used in the weapon handling (event 48) so you don't have to handle all 8 directions all over again.

    + Finally Event 18 is changed to:

    + Player1box: is moving
    -> Player1: Set animation to "Walk" & Player1 ('Weaponout')
    + System: Else
    -> Player1: Set animation to "Stand" & Player1 ('Weaponout')[/code:3a1mu8cq]
    I hope all that makes sense, let me know if anything doesn't.  Cool project, has that gta feel to it.