I want to to do this:
<img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/23r9tmb.png">
(The circle represents the player. The black line is a gun. The white blocks are platforms/obstacles.)
I want to make a game where the player can shoot a laser and that bounces off of surfaces. I don't know where to start.
I tried using the ball movement, but that presented a lot of problems. For example, if the player moved, the laser would stop being a straight line.
Secondly, you have to set the speed really slow in order for it to look like a line rather than a bunch of circles being fired. I want the laser to come out fast. Not instant hit, but fast enough so that the player can see the laser actually bounce off of the wall.
I've tried other things like the line object, but so far everything I've tried hasn't worked. I'm stumped. Could someone maybe post an example to show me how I'd accomplish this?