Yes, boids, they are used for simulating flocks of birds or movement of groups.
Here is my reference:
First attempt:
I basically used the same format as the ref. I think I made a math typo in it somewhere, it's a bit unstable in spots. ... .capx?dl=0
This is a rewrite from scratch in a typical event fashion. Only eight events and I seem to have fixed the math so its a bit more stable. ... .capx?dl=0
This rewrite is based on the idea that it would be cool if vector math could be done directly and not have to do the formulas with the components of the vectors. The result was a lot of the math was hidden in a bunch of reusable vector functions. All the function.calls in the expression kind of counteracted the simplifying of expressions I was going for. Not to mention that it's a bit more tedious writing expressions with my system because errors are just ignored. ... .capx?dl=0
When colliding the amount the two objects overlap will vary.
One solution would be to back out of the obstacle until not colliding and then turn and moving by the amount backed out.
You could use a separate object for the slope and make it solid. Then detect when the player is on the slope with "player is overlapping slope an offset (0,1)" and move the player off the slope with "player: set x to player.X+1" to make it slide.
Ok, I fixed that bug and tweaked it a bit. Re-download from first post.
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It won't work on the base layer since it doesn't have any transparency, but if you add another layer it should work.
It's working for me on two different computers, Firefox and Chrome.
What is it that isn't working? Does the sprite draw with no outline or does the game not load?
Does the sprite you apply it to have any transparency? The outline is applied between transparent and opaque pixels, but it doesn't draw beyond the sprites quad so a solid color sprite will have no visible outline.
I did something similar to what you're describing for a top view game:
This works.
Set Text to tokenat(replace("1,2,3,4,5,", Text.Text & ",", ""),int(random(4)), ",")
#This is how you save a object refrence
System.Create("Sprite", 1, 200,200)
RefToFirstSprite = SOL.Sprite[0]
#Then you can destroy it later like so.
You could use the listbox object it specializes in a scrolling list of text.
If you still want to implement it yourself with events here is a example:
Here are a few other examples of a scrollbar widgit:
and here is a uncommented cap of an advanced scrollbar.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
For a smooth transition between colors you can use lerp on each color component.
If you convert from rgb color to another color space before lerping you can get different results.
Top down: rgb, ryb, hsl
<img src="" border="0" />
Member since 15 Jun, 2009